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So Saddam's two kids are dead.

Started by Naem, July 22, 2003, 02:38 PM

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Let's all celebrate with a spot of tea, shall we?
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


QuoteThe U.S. military is considering releasing pictures of the bodies in an effort to convince any skeptical Iraqis that Uday, 39, and Qusay, 37, are really dead, a senior Pentagon official told CNN late Tuesday.

WTF?!?!!  They are insane.  First, I think this is just plain sick, and second, while I don't know the rules of the Geneva convention, this has to be wrong.  The dead are not trophies to be paraded for political purposes.

If they want to convince people that Uday and Qusay are dead, they can easily get dozens of Arab doctors to independently verify the information to the Arab world.

The United States is out of control.  I say that as an American who served 6 years in the military.


If they actually go through with putting those dead bodies on show, I don't think the US should expect any kind of support the next time some random country is displaying pictures of dead or captured US soldiers.


I don't think Bush will allow them to do that...


-Let's have a victory parade. Put those dudes in glass coffins and parade them through
the streets.
                               - Geoff Frazier

Everyone constantly expects the US to be the more "serious, calmed" down side. Fact is, most countries tend not to hesitate to display captured or injured soldiers whenever they have them (Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia), so whether or not the US displays the corpses of Saddam's boys really won't do much to change international perceptions of us anyway. Besides, I doubt we should be worrying much about "dignifying" them, as they were easily two of the most disgusting people in the middle east after their dad. But before we get into that entire "whether or not it was their fault that they were evil" gig, maybe parading them around like trophies wouldn't be right, but I don't see what the problem is with displaying them in Iraq to satisfy the people in seeing two people who helped bring them so much torment are finally, as well as quelling the doubters. Once they have Bin Laden, they should do the same with him. Maybe burn his body in a televised execution. The people would like nice, in your face closure in such matters. :)


I've said before that, in this war with Iraq, the only thing I respect about the Americans' decision to attack is how they obey the Geneva Convention.  If they show those bodies, then there will be nothing left I respect.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


They are showing the bodies to say "hey look what we did!" like the iraqis did with our pows. They are showing the bodies to prove to everyone that they are really gone, if you watch the news they have asked Iraqis if they wish to see the bodies as proof all of them say yes. The US isn't rushing to do this, its rather clear they are thinking long and hard about what to do it and how to do it. I don't really see how you can go around saying they are bad guys for doing this in the early days they believed M.S.S. even when it was clear to us he wasn't telling the truth. Rumors have been spread about Sadam and his kids being dead before, they require proof to see that they are really gone.
"Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world make talk of hereafter."
- Admiral Lord Collingwood


Good intentions do not make up for bad execution.


Quote from: zorm on July 23, 2003, 08:29 PM
They are showing the bodies to say "hey look what we did!" like the iraqis did with our pows.

This is what seperates the americans from the iraqis: the iraqis are scum, americans aren't.  That's high praise coming from a canadian :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Soul Taker


Well, as it turns out, the Arab nations were demanding that the United States provide proof of their death.  As the reporting goes, the generals in particular were very much against it.  They decided to make this exception because of the demands of Arab nations around Iraq.  Hmm, someone up there still has integrity about all this.