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omfg cant start!

Started by Kyroshimirato, July 15, 2003, 03:10 AM

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I've successfully created a chat bot in VB from stratch, even added some commands for it- it was easy enough, since it was text based- (telnet style)... feelin dizzy from lack of sleep... anyway, where was i... oh yah- i want to make a binary bot- so the bot can join private channels and also handle moderation. so i scan the forums, and even checked out bnetdocs- i get senseless mutterings abt some obscure packets- 0x50, 51, n all. and dont friggin flame me for bein a newb- we all gotta start somewhere! anyhoo, whats the procedure for gettin connected to bnet?

btw if ur gunna flame me anyway, lemme save ya some time- *flame* *flame* *flame*  0.o

shit gettin even more dizzy- im gunna pass out any minute- gunna hit  the sack- go ahead n flame me for poor sleeping habits- i deserve it 0.o

nite- or shld i say morning?


 :-[ shit... just reread what i wrote... or typed... wtf... oh ya... it all sounded like yammering... yanno,  ramblings... procedures on how to connect to bnet... erm... right- bedtime... i dont know wtf im posting this second post for... *flames self*


0x50 (outgoing) is fairly simple, it just tells battle.net where you live and easy stuff like that.  0x51 (outgoing) is more complicated, it sends your cdkey (encrypted) and version information.  You will most likely need a packetsniffer (www.ethereal.com) and, if you want to do it right, a disassembler (IDA) to find out how.  Or you can use BNLS, and I'm sure somebody will tell you how to get that.

Basically, you have to imitate how some binary program (say, Starcraft) connects.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Okay- got all that- but how'd I use it to connect?

ie, user clicks connect:

winsock connects to bnet

then what? send 0x50? how?


Get a packetsniffer (www.ethereal.com) and watch how Starcraft connects.  You'll find out (as I did before I ever talked to anybody about it, that packets always start with FF yy xx xx where xx xx is the total number of bytes in the packet, and yy is the code of the packet (perhaps 50, perhaps 51, perhaps 0F, etc.)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


wtf? i dont get it. i downloaded etheral, and installed winpcap. Even captured bnet packets. I don't see what you're talking about.

Example captured packet- from frames 0030 and 0040:

00-00-00-00-00-00-06-75    73-65-61-73-74-06-62-61    .......u    seast.ba
74-74-6c-65-03-6e-65-74    00-00-01-00-01                    ttle.net  .....

How do I read that? And how do I apply that into my program? Where the frig is the 0x51, 50, etc parts? I don't see 'em anywhere...

As for using dlls- thanks Maddox, but I'd rather make my own, since I strongly distrust anything written by others as 2/3 of them in my experience tend to contain a backdoor of some kind, or give out potentially senstive info, such as cdkeys upon usage. Making my own is safer- this way I know exactly what the code does, and that it won't deviate from it's original purpose... 0.o


Quote from: Kyroshimirato on July 15, 2003, 01:25 PM
wtf? i dont get it. i downloaded etheral, and installed winpcap. Even captured bnet packets. I don't see what you're talking about.

Example captured packet- from frames 0030 and 0040:

00-00-00-00-00-00-06-75    73-65-61-73-74-06-62-61    .......u    seast.ba
74-74-6c-65-03-6e-65-74    00-00-01-00-01                    ttle.net  .....

How do I read that? And how do I apply that into my program? Where the frig is the 0x51, 50, etc parts? I don't see 'em anywhere...

As for using dlls- thanks Maddox, but I'd rather make my own, since I strongly distrust anything written by others as 2/3 of them in my experience tend to contain a backdoor of some kind, or give out potentially senstive info, such as cdkeys upon usage. Making my own is safer- this way I know exactly what the code does, and that it won't deviate from it's original purpose... 0.o

just a thought but if u cant make your own bot how the hell do u plan on making your own DLL?


by learnin how to make my own bot :-P


Quote from: Kyroshimirato on July 15, 2003, 01:25 PMAs for using dlls- thanks Maddox, but I'd rather make my own, since I strongly distrust anything written by others as 2/3 of them in my experience tend to contain a backdoor of some kind, or give out potentially senstive info, such as cdkeys upon usage. Making my own is safer- this way I know exactly what the code does, and that it won't deviate from it's original purpose... 0.o

-1 for slamming the integrity of the entire BotDev community while you're still a clueless nobody.  In one stupid little paragraph you have probably lost any help from this forum.  The people you would like to assist you are the ones that you are implying have evil backdoors and ulterior motives.

My wish is for all code donations to this person be in the form of hidden features buried in obscure code.

Bad form.


Two thirds, eh? Can I see your data?


I was estimating, not keeping track. So I don't have data to base it on. 0.o



#1, I never said the people in the forum was responsible, so don't shove those words down my throat. You're saying that I am an idiot for reacting defensively for a valid reason. I don't appreciate that. I've been badly hit by backdoors before, lost two cdkeys, so don't jump down my throat for making that comment.

#2, Thanks for that wish- so much for interactive learning and harmony between all.

#3, I came here to learn, not to be given shortcuts. I want to learn to create a bot from stratch, not using some obscure DLL whose source I don't have. I'd rather know what precisely my program is doing.

#4, Slamming a newb for his comments when he had a valid concern is bad form too.

#5, As an administrator, I'd expect you to understand where I am coming from.

Good day, mate.

Quote from: Grok on July 15, 2003, 04:42 PM
-1 for slamming the integrity of the entire BotDev community while you're still a clueless nobody.  In one stupid little paragraph you have probably lost any help from this forum.  The people you would like to assist you are the ones that you are implying have evil backdoors and ulterior motives.

My wish is for all code donations to this person be in the form of hidden features buried in obscure code.

Bad form.


Can someone help me use WinPCap I dunno how this works =|   :-\


mmm... maddox, u have a point. alrite, since its open source, where can i find the dll and its source? i wanna make  sure theres no back doors, no offense to its author...


Why would there be backdoors if its open source.. that would be easily caught by other ppl.