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Started by BlazingKnight, July 08, 2003, 12:50 AM

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I just figured out how to do tagbans, shitlists, and the whole bunch. I have a delay in there, but when it trys to ban floodbots, it will slowly try to process all of the ban requests. How do I prevent this. I'm working w/ VB.


I'm sure there are more efficient ways of doing this, but if the floodbot does not get banned immediately, it will try to ban each individual join/rejoin. If you had some kind of Flood Protection state (like Stealth has with EFP mode for example), make it clear the queue automatically when it gets bigger than, say 2 items or better still, turn off any queue completely. I think Stealth disables the queue. Anything the bot misses just gets ignored.

Another way, might be to store the name of the last account name that joined in a variable and check it with the name of the next person that joins the channel. If it is the same, then the bot would override the ban command.

Or, you could just ignore them and hope they go away ;)

Not sure if it helps, maybe someone else here has any other ideas?

EDIT - It didn't make much sense when I read it...  :-\
^-----silly Brit


I've tried ignoring them an it worked! :P How would I go about disabling the queue?


Well, that depends on your code. Is it a code you wrote yourself, or is it someone elses? It is possible that the queue automatically clears itself after a certain number of items (several bot programmers I know use this method). If this is the case, you can just add a simple If/Then EFPMode statement to override it, or to clear it sooner. Up to you really. You *ought* to be able to work that bit out if it is your own code *cough*...
^-----silly Brit


Quote from: BlazingKnight on July 08, 2003, 07:36 AM
I've tried ignoring them an it worked! :P How would I go about disabling the queue?

You don't know how to disable a queue that you wrote yourself?


If (chat = "That user is not logged on.") And (LockDown) Then DelQueue False


It's not my code. I'm a noob. Mind helpin a little bit more?


If strUser = n00b then call showHimtheDoor

Seriously though. The suggestions here tell you what to do, if you can't work it out from there, you'll need to post the code here so someone can give more specific help. I mean, we can lead a horse to water...
^-----silly Brit


Here's my code I also can't get the Gavel to show up. :|


Eternal didn't mean your entire bot's source, just the code relevant to the question.

Here's an example of how to do a userlist correctly in VB. It's a little out of date, but it's more than enough to get you going on the right path. http://www.ik0ns.com/UserList6.zip