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PHP advice, please.

Started by Dumb_Canadian, June 17, 2003, 04:59 AM

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So I'm using PHP v4.3.2 as an ISAPI extension to IIS v5.

The problem seems to be comming from my router (LinkSys BEFSR-41, wired,) when I try and obtain the server's IP, issued by my ISP. Instead, I seem to get the address of the router (

Normaly, it sounds pretty simple, according to the literature I've read thus far (To use the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR variable instead of REMOTE_ADDR, although that doesn't seem to work, either.)

Thx for the input/advice.

Banana fanna fo fanna

You're on a LAN, you don't know your external IP, unless someone else tells it to you.


What St0rm means is: Put this PHP script on a remote server rather than a local one. It should give you your external IP then (if I understood correctly what it's supposed to do).


Ah, I see. Thx for the insight.


I might be able to help you on this one. (Correct me some one if I'm wrong.)

If I'm reading you question correct, then you cant get PHP working? Or do you mean you cant get a webserver up.  We'll first you'll need to find out your Gateway to your router. Ex:  But that mayb not be yours.  What you need to do is Goto you start menu, then hit "Run."  After you do that type in the word, "cmd".  A MSDos window should come up.  Then type "ipconfig /all".  After you do that hit enter and a bunch of information should come up.  Look for your Gateway IP Adgress.  It should start with 192.168.  Once you have gotten it, open up Internet Explorer and type http://(then your gateway). (ex:  I dont know much about LinkSYS router but you should have something come up eitehr asking for your Account/Login to your router.  If you dont know if find it out lol. Login and search through your router looking for keyword: DMZ.  Once you have found that it should say 192.168.0.Blank window.  (Guessing your Ip is  Then type 1 in that box. and enable it.  Save, then your router might ask you for a reboot, if it does hit yes.  After that It Should work!


A little off topic but why are you using IIS with PHP? I mean if your going to use IIS you might as well use ASP which is what its built for. Don't use a browser like IIS for a open source scripting language. It just seem stupid since your paying the bill for IIS but your not using the free goodie that comes with it. If you plan to use PHP you shouldn't waste money on IIS.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: drake on July 26, 2003, 08:17 PMDon't use a browser like IIS for a open source scripting language.

Since IIS is a browser and everything...


Since when did it cost anything? (The cost of Windows aside)
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


drake, IIS stands for "Internet Information Server", a free web server from Microsoft.

IIS includes a technology layer called ASP, which stands for "Active Server Pages".

ASP is not a language itself, but a scriptable ISAPI engine that outputs HTML over HTTP.  ISAPI stands for Internet Server API.  Vendors can write any script to communicate with ASP.  Microsoft first provided just VBScript and JScript.  Since then vendors have added support for other languages to script ASP.

Perl is also available to script ASP.

I hope this explains things for you.


So your talking about the stripped down version provided with Microsoft.

Oh and thanks, I know what it is. I just didn't realize you were using the free Limited Edition.



Ok Grok.

Various versions of IIS come with various editions of Windows NT.
There is no non-free edition.
There is no free "limited" edition or "stripped down" version.
Are you sure you're not confusing it with something else?

There used to be something called Personal Web Server (PWS), which was a Microsoft web server for Windows 9x. Could that be what you were thinking of?


Or could it be that someone sold him the "full version of IIS" and he paid for it?


No I don't use IIS myself. Ya PWS was something downloadable for Windows 9.x

I think it used to cost money to use IIS but now its free with the newer operating systems. I was told that if you wanted the complete version that you needed to buy it and that the ones on the newer Windows versions were just simplified versions. I don't know who told me that but were wrong it would seem. Anyways I do know for a fact that IIS used to cost money.


I was going to try again but what's the point?  It's not my job to correct your inaccurate facts.