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Icon Changing

Started by Dayclone, June 11, 2003, 08:26 PM

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Alright if I made all my exe and all and have an Icon how would I change it again without having to go through the code to change it.
and what program would I use to do that.

Mesiah / haiseM

There are a few programs that will allow you to change the icon of an exe already compiled, but they are pretty rare, good luck finding one.
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Do you might have any idea what kind of program this is?
if no one knows then it's ok i'll have to change it thorugh the code.


ResHacker is one, if you can still find it (I think the maintainer stopped maintaining it, though).

Soul Taker

ExeScope is able to modify resources as well.


It's beyond my ability, but you might want to look into writing PE parser and assembler classes.  PEDUMP could get you started.  MSDN has technical articles on the subject.


If you have the code, why don't you just change it there?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Another non bot development related post in the BOT DEVELOPMENT forum...mods should move all these to general :P


you know i'm like one of those people once your finished with something then i get lazy and don't wanna have to, to all that process again :) you Understand?

o wait b4 you do anything anyway of changing the icons in the exterior of the program not just the front but the icons inside too heh sorry forgot to mention that.


reshacker works the best for me. i use it if i have to change the icon or modify something in the version info, and don't have time to wait for slow ass VB to load, then compile the whole thing all over again.


This seems harder to do and requires more effort than going into the project and changing the icon.  If you ask me this guy doesn't have the source, and he just wants to change the icon and hexedit a bot (hexedit, I say this because he said something vague and retardish in the general programming forums that lead me to this concept).  I think he should be banned! :)


Quote from: Dayclone on June 11, 2003, 08:26 PM
Alright if I made all my exe and all and have an Icon how would I change it again without having to go through the code to change it.
and what program would I use to do that.

I'll provide a translation for everyone:

After I've hex-edited someone else's bot so that it looks like I wrote it, how can I change the icon too?

Edit: Ministered said this already. Ohwell.


Agreed. Everyone here knows it is far easier to change the icon with the source rather than a compiled exe. It has nothing to do with laziness.
^-----silly Brit


See I totally took the question wrong, and assumed the person was wanting to do something fun and clever to his own code.  Here's what I thought he wanted to do, which would be much more fun of a programming exercise:

"I have two programs - my bot and my loader.  Sometimes I want to have the loader replace icon, bitmap, and other resources in my bot's executable and saved that way.  Then I don't have to recompile my bot but can distribute slightly different looking look-and-feels to various people.  Which part of the Windows SDK/API will help me do this?  Any URL to sample code would be golden.  Thanks."

Now that would be a legit question :)