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Everyone must now proceed to fear:

Started by Yoni, June 08, 2003, 11:50 PM

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I'll probably put a bunch of stuff in the projects page later.


Teh white beckgraund 0wnz0rZ us all.



You should remove the forum members listing until you get some more.....uhh.....forum members.


-1 to Invert for shamelessly advertising his site in the thread that advertises my site.


Raven, you should do that on your site... oh nm. I forgot that you dont even know HTML.

-1 to Reven & Yoni just for fun.


Raven knows HTML. Fortunately, Raven also knows Flash, so he can make cool sites, unlike Invert.

-1 to Invert for -1 Raven and Yoni. +1 to Yoni for -1ing Invert. :)


Quote from: Invert on June 09, 2003, 11:14 PM
-1 to Reven & Yoni just for fun.

+1 to Reven, just to balance him out
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


-1 to iago for being canadian.

I am reserving a -3 for Raven because he has so many cool sites and for implying that flash sites are cool also for thinking that he knows HTML when he uses dreamweaver.


Unfortunately it is invert who uses Dreamweaver, as it is so obvious he does in his source. -1 to invert for lying about writing his own HTML.

(Raven prefers FrontPage :) )


What I don't like about his HTML is how he uses an inline style on every element rather than named styles in a style block, or a css document.

Is is really necessary to repeat this for every table cell?

<td style="border-style: none; padding: 3px; width: 100%; height: auto; background-color: #F8F7EF; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left" class="text">

change that to:

<td class="mytd1">

and define mytd1 in style or css.  Much easier to read.


Simple, because that's the way Dreamweaver generates. I guess invert prefers only deleting the "generator" meta name. The annoying part is that invert isn't a lamer, but he sometimes chooses to act like one for no apparent reason. :D


It has to be inline because the site uses one shared skin file. All the style properties like the color,  background-color etc... are variables that are set in the skin file.

Most of my site is generated dynamically. It loops to create the same tables with different content that is why you see repetition.

People need to stop taking out of their ass. Raven, you could not even come up with anything close to my site so stop talking. I have not seen any of your sites so far.


invert, that code was generated by DreamWeaver, so stop trying to cover yourself. As far as "my" sites go, I choose to waste the time I spend working on my computer actually enjoying myself, working with flash, and making GIF files that embed themselves into resources allocated for the browser and cause gradual slowdown of the browser while trying to display them. But that's a story for a different time. :)