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Channel + # of people

Started by TeEhEiMaN, May 25, 2003, 08:43 PM

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Can someone help me out with showing how many people are in channel, and the current channel the bot is in? Its for cleanslate bot. VB



Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_JoinedChannel(ByVal ChannelName As String, ByVal Flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
txtchannel.text = channelname
txtchannel2.text = channelname 'not visible text box fot later use
End Sub

Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_UserInChannel(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Ping As Long, ByVal Product As String, StatUpdate As Boolean, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)

Dim homenum As Integer

For i = 1 To form1.lstchannel.ListItems.Count 'lst channel = your listviewname
homnum = form1.lstchannel.ListItems.Count
Next i

Dim home As String

home = form1.txtchannel2.text

form1.txtchannel.text = ""

form1.txtchannel.text = home & " ( " & homnum & " )"

End Sub

and do the same for people leaving and joingin


Teeheiman, I have seen you ask a question for everything that would make up a bot.  Visual Basic wasn't renamed to Visual Bot Studio.  If you want to make a bot that in the future you can update yourself without relying on others to help you.  Then I suggest you learn visual basic, very well.  Then try to make a bot.


ministered give him a break. he asked for help not criticism.


Octivius, I am giving him the best help he can get.  It is better to learn something than to wing your way through it.  This is exactly what kids today do at school, they wing their way through high school.  They make the lowest grades they can possibly make just so they can be lazy.  They even have a new saying, "Well, D stands for Diploma!".  What do I say that?  D stands for Dumb Ass!  Learning is better, end of story!


I agree with you Ministered. I'm graduating this year and I can't tell you how many people have missed weeks of school and cannot pass an eigth-grade math proficiency. Coding yourself forces you to look the stuff up, once you have you either know where to get it or remember it for the next time you use it.


At least hes not asking Can some1 just put up there source on here so i can copy and paste and push connect and boom hes on bnet. With everything else.


That is what he is asking, essentially.


Yes, that's exactly what he's saying, in fact..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

high school sucks...my teachers dont know shit
difference here is there's actually something to learn and its actually interesting


Well actualy I am learning a lot from you guys, Ive only been useing VB for 2 days, and I could alrdy get most of the commands down, And i am learning a lot from you guys, I just want help, I dont wanna be flamed, But sorry for all the posts but I apprecate all the help.

Thank you,


I installed the script but for some reason i am getting a error on

Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_UserInChannel(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Message As String, ByVal Ping As Long, ByVal Product As String, StatUpdate As Boolean, SimulatedEvent As Boolean

what could be wrong?


2 days? Hi I was just born and I want to walk. No doesn't work. DO NOT make a bot for your first program. You may think you understand everything we are telling you, but you don't. Your just pasting it and knowing that it works so your happy. GO LEARN the language. (The same goes for TRiCK.. he seems to be doing the same thing as teeheiman)


Quote from: TheMinistered on May 25, 2003, 09:53 PM
Octivius, I am giving him the best help he can get.  It is better to learn something than to wing your way through it.  This is exactly what kids today do at school, they wing their way through high school.  They make the lowest grades they can possibly make just so they can be lazy.  They even have a new saying, "Well, D stands for Diploma!".  What do I say that?  D stands for Dumb Ass!  Learning is better, end of story!

ppl can get discouraged if they cant figure the stuff out, thus putting em farther behind then when they started.

I'm probly the perfect example of someone who doesnt learn anything if he/she has to do it thereself, dunno y. its like i memorize the code i see , and what it does, after the first glance and then can bend it around in my head to fit what i need to do.

and be careful what u say man. i just happen to be one of those lazy D students. i can see what ur saying tho, ur doing more work then them yet in the end it doesnt really matter.  and most of the time the 'lazy D students' are indeed capable of getting straight A's, they just see the bright side, if ur employer rejects ur job application because of low marks in grade 10, rather then considering reasons y they're low. (like maybe ur too busy with community service - i know in Ontario u need 40 hours of volunteer work to graduate - maybe there low cause u got a part time job, maybe theyre low because ur busy getting different awards and shyt) then screw em they dont deserve ur skills.

for me, by the time im actually searching for a real job, my resume will be backed up with the duke of edinburg awards (bronze, silver, and gold), chief scout award, first class BP award, CPR Certified, First AID Certifed, aswell as an MCP certificate in computer programming.  If my employer fails to recognize this and decides to reject me because of a 65% in history, then f*ck em.

anyways i kinda lost my train of thought and forget the whole point i was gonna make, so instead of rambling on i think im gonna shut up now. so tired...


That's great... octivius MCP certified... lol