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Started by Archilus, May 09, 2003, 06:09 PM

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Act like I just got a computer, I want to learn Visual Basics and Everything I need to knwo to build a bot from THE GROUND UP. NO SHORTCUTS.

Like what program should I serch for on kazaa, and what should I read to get me started.

Remember I know NOTHING... "what's a 'Return' key?"


OS: WinXP Home Edition
256 MB ram
8Gigs free on my HD
a few bots on my system that I wanna tear apart, and learn how to put back together. (What bot should I disect?)

I leave for marine Bootcamp june 1st, so PLZ HURRY.


you're not going to be able to make an entire bot in a month. even if you were a total guru, that would be a rediculous deadline. true programming skill comes with experience mesaured in years, not hours.


Quote from: Camel on May 09, 2003, 06:39 PM
you're not going to be able to make an entire bot in a month. even if you were a total guru, that would be a rediculous deadline.

Nonsense. For a guru, it's a perfectly worable deadline. Someone with sufficient background knowledge who was supplied with the necessary documentation could easily write a working (if simple) bot in a fraction of that time.


But he specifically said that he doesn't know anything about anything.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Which makes it a moot point, but a point nonetheless :)


So what's the hold up? Gimme proper documentation and point me in the right direction.


If you want to learn VB/programming in general just for Battle.net, I suggest to not even bother.


No, I'm doing this for a career, Not all marines play with guns, I want to be able to do something before i go in so it wont be that hard, and plus, I want to talk on bnet without having to have sc on a laptop.

Yah anyway, I'm gonna be in the marines for 20 year suntil i retire at 38 if all goes well, So a litttle help plz?


I just installed Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0

What next?

And where Can I go to get a clena slate bot and/or an A.L.I.C.E. Brain?


www.valhallalegends.com/cuphead is where you can find the CleanSlateBot.ocx. Read his directions as well.


If you're not going to join the computer industry for 20 years, learning things now is pointless. It will probably all be wrong/obselete by then.

Battle.net documentation is available at here.
C++ help is easily found on Google.

But I think you're setting yourself an unworkable goal. Programming is a skill that takes time and patience to learn. Learning VB just to write a bot is, as Yoni mentioned, silly. If you want to be any good at it, you should start from the ground up - don't try to run before you can walk. You should take on some simpler projects and then attempt a bot properly (without CSB) in a few months.

Just my $0.02.


Arta, In the marines People do visual basics... Duh



Quote from: Archilus on May 10, 2003, 04:03 PM
Arta, In the marines People do visual basics... Duh
No... I don't quite think they do.


I found it funny because the fact that my father was in the core, my uncle was in the core, I have two best friends enlisted that leave within the month for it, my two best friends are both into computer sciences and I hate to see it I've never seen a Visual Basic application written yet.. Now I know there very well could be some, but somthing like VB in the army just doesn't sound like it would work out well

[Edit: Wrote Army when I meant Military]


That's not what I meant. I don't have a clue about what the US army uses. For all I know, they might use VB.