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Photoshop question

Started by MailMan, April 15, 2003, 07:47 AM

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Hey, I'm using photoshop to mess around with stuff and I remembered seeing some pictures Spht created involving lightsabers. I was wondering if Spht, you could explain how to give people lightsabers, or if anyone else knows if they could explain.


Edit: I'm not sure what category this would have gone under, so I posted it under General.


Think you could make some sort of 'step-by-step instruction on how to create saber effects' thing? I'm really interested, and am looking into creating a few pictures for a school project, in my photo-journalism class, with some saber modifications for fun.



I don't use PhotoShop. Do you want a Paint Shop Pro tutorial? It took me a little while to figure out how to get the effect just right.


Yeah, PSP would be just fine.



Done. It can be found here:

I've been meaning to write that for a while. Thanks for reminding me. =)


Yuk..Paint Shop Pro Schmo. Photoshop is harder to learn, but more powerful. Guess you make your choices...
^-----silly Brit


Quote from: Eternal on April 20, 2003, 05:50 PM
Yuk..Paint Shop Pro Schmo. Photoshop is harder to learn, but more powerful. Guess you make your choices...
Have you used Paint Shop Pro?


I've used both, I found PSP harder to learn and, for my purposes, better.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Not sure about harder to learn (We're talking about PSP here, right?).

I use both on a daily basis.

Tend to find for quick 5 minute edits of simple stuff like a small retouch or color adjustment or resize... PSP wins through sheer speed and ease of use.

For anything much more complex though, Photoshop is hard to beat if you know what you're doing with it. :)


^-----silly Brit

Mesiah / haiseM

im not sure if i can remember it all vividly, but to create that type of effect with photoshop, you could use the line tool, and use lighting effects and despecling to fade the brightness out of the line, not too hard, but be sure to make each "light sabered image" in a new layer, because using lighting effects on the same layer more than once will produce a high powered brightness more than desired, youll see what i mean if you try it.
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