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Creating Games

Started by MindArchon, December 04, 2004, 09:37 PM

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[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


I have given up with UPD/UDP ( lol ) for a while :P
and did abit of 0x09 logging.

here are some results for people who may need it:
(i also posted these on bnet docs, S > C)

Game StatString for sc/bw goes as followed:
Example: ,22,16,6,1,a,,1,dd5881e4,1,,
Values: ,1*,2*,3,4,5,6,7,8******,9,10,
Values go as followed:
1 = map size(mapsize = 2x32 by 2x32 [64 by 64])
2 = Players(2nd number, 1st allways 1)
3 = Game speed(0 = slowest, 6 = fastest)
4 = map icon
5 = Game type
6 = UnKnown(allways blank)
7 = Penalty(Ladder Pen, Greed resorces, teams etc)
8 = Map hash(not sure of the map hash values yet)
9 = Title set(space, jungle, Installation etc)
10 = UnKnown(Allways Blank)

right after this is the creater name and the map name, split with byte 0x0D.

Its poassible for some values to be blank, like speed fast would be blank.
Im not going to say to much more, you will have to DIY :)
hope this helps!

I will give one example for the penalty:
If gametype is Top vs Bottom then penalty would be:

teams = Int(Players) - int(Penalty)
teams = Int(Penalty) & " vs " & int(teams)

Hope this gives u a clue :)
