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Inline Assembly - Interupts & DPMI

Started by ctype, December 16, 2004, 02:10 AM

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Hi All,

Just a little query...

Does DPMI have anything to do with why I can't call DOS interrupts from inline assembly? I guess I have to be creating a 16bit DOS program? But MSVC doesn't do these, even if I compile a console application.

I even resorted to Turbo C, but that didn't work either. Same problem in Delphi. Any ideas?


I had to look up DPMI but it doesn't seem relevant. Windows will not allow you direct access to hardware in user mode. Period.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Is there any way to get around it at all? It's a real pain in the ass.

What's Windows problem anyway? It's preventing us good ol' programmers from having fun. Programming completely in Assembly is fun if you've got nothing better to do for a few months - I'm learning A86 Assembly right now, only to grasp knowledge of how to utilise it Inline with C/C++ Code. Windows spoiling all my fun. Again.

Well, I'd rather stick hot needles in my eyes than program for Windows in pure assembly (I'd like to know how, though).


Quote from: ctype on December 16, 2004, 09:09 AM
Is there any way to get around it at all? It's a real pain in the ass.

What's Windows problem anyway? It's preventing us good ol' programmers from having fun. Programming completely in Assembly is fun if you've got nothing better to do for a few months - I'm learning A86 Assembly right now, only to grasp knowledge of how to utilise it Inline with C/C++ Code. Windows spoiling all my fun. Again.

Well, I'd rather stick hot needles in my eyes than program for Windows in pure assembly (I'd like to know how, though).
What, would you prefer that windows allow you direct access to hardware? That would mean one program (eg. yours) could/would bring down the whole system if it did something it shouldn't have. If you want direct access to hardware i'd go get an emulator like bochs and play around with it in emulated real mode.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Eibro is perfectly correct here: directly accessing hardware can cause you to bring down the entire system (have you ever seen a poorly-written video driver, for example?).  In any case you can get the Windows Driver Development Kit and assemble to your heart's content.

Windows NT-based systems operate what is called the HAL, or Hardware Abstraction Layer.  It provides a multi-layered system of drivers by which the lowest-level of drivers provide higher-level functionality to the next level of drivers.  The lowest level might be a simple bus controller -- BUT, that driver might expose the same set of functions regardless of whether the bus was AGP, PCI, or ISA.  A driver might sit on top of that which controls the hard drives; it interacts with the PCI-to-ATA bridge only through the driver below it.  This way drivers become something reminiscint of "interchangeable parts," but it simplifies driver development for device manufacturers.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.