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Started by iago, November 24, 2004, 06:52 PM

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Arguing about flaming, or continually bringing it up in different threads, is worse than actually flaming. If you have a problem with somebody, take it up off the forum.  Either via Instant Messenger or the forum's Private Messenger.

Whenever this happens, it reminds me of something from www.rinkworks.com/stupid:
This story is an example of a kind of mass stupidity mob that happens in various forums on the Internet all the time. I don't understand why.

I belong to a mailing list, the topic of which will remain unnamed. The list's only purpose is to send out a brief newsletter every day talking about things of interest to the subscribers. Consequently, the list is set up so that, normally, only the owner of the list is allowed to send messages; none of the recipients can post to it. After months of running smoothly, the mailing list software went haywire, and suddenly everyone was able to post to the list. Chaos broke out, and people started to send notes to the list (a list of about 500 people, mind you) just to be "cute." Had it been left alone, the flood of mail would have quickly subsided. But then a wave of people started posting to the list telling these people to stop it. Letters poured in reading "STOP IT!" and "DON'T REPLY!" and "Why are you sending this to me?" This triggered more people to do that, which triggered more, and so on. In the first couple hours, there were easily seventy of these silly nonsense notes telling everyone else to stop sending out mail. You'd think common sense would keep people from "solving" the problem by contributing to it.

It's the same idea -- if you have a problem, take it off the forum.

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Soul Taker

This is almost as bad as how you always post stupid AIM/MSN/ETC logs in your forum!!!!!!</flame>

<3 iago!



Taking it up in a separate thread makes some sense too. The advantage of that is that you can see if there's a majority support for your complaints. Plus, us administrators/moderators get feedback on where our forum inhabitants like us to put the limits.

Soul Taker

Quote from: Adron on November 27, 2004, 08:13 AM
Taking it up in a separate thread makes some sense too. The advantage of that is that you can see if there's a majority support for your complaints. Plus, us administrators/moderators get feedback on where our forum inhabitants like us to put the limits.
Ironically, iago just said in another thread that the public's opinions don't mean anything on this forum :P