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Warning: ASCII.GetBytes()

Started by TehUser, June 18, 2005, 05:56 PM

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Well I was under the impression this was for a server so lets see this, this way then.

When your viewing the data recieved via the socket what are you going to see.
take one of your lines here
53 30 8c 30 6f 30 72 30  82 30 67 30 42 30 8b 30   S0.0o0r0 .0g0B0.0
d8 9a a1 4f 24 50 5e 97  f1 82 fd 56 6e 30 79 72   O.¡O$P^. ñ.yVn0yr
27 60 92 30 7f 4f 28 75  59 30 8b 30 02 30         '`.0.O(u Y0.0.0

true or false your going to have data recieved in this format.