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(socks4) NON NLS.dll Questions!!!!112

Started by NetNX, September 25, 2004, 11:50 AM

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YAY!, Non-NLS.dll questions!

       Dim splt() As String, str As String, i As Integer
       Server = LCase(Server)

       splt = Split(Server, ".")
           For i = 0 To UBound(splt)
               str = str & Chr(CStr(splt(i)))
           Next i
       sckBnet.SendData Chr(&H4) & Chr(&H1) & Chr(&H17) & Chr(&HE0) & str & "anonymous" & Chr(&H0)
       RaiseEvent ProxyInfo("Connected!")

im trying to reverse this:

could someone explain to me

Chr(&H4) & Chr(&H1) & Chr(&H17) & Chr(&HE0)

Thanks to baddblood for redirecting me to the socks4 protocol information page. I have figured out that somewhere within these for bytes it specifys the port #. it also says that the first and second byte... well look

      | VN | CD | DSTPORT |      DSTIP     | USERID     |NULL|
# of bytes:      1    1      2              4           variable       1

VN = Chr(&H4)
CD = Chr(&H1)
DSPORT=  ?!?! 'Remore port
DSTIP = Forwarding IPaddress
USERID = "anonymous"

What im trying to figure out is how 2 bytes turns into 6112(the battle.net port #)

Banana fanna fo fanna

Wow...and you say you've written a binary bot?

Hint: those two bytes are a WORD.



Quote from: NetNX on September 25, 2004, 11:50 AMWhat im trying to figure out is how 2 bytes turns into 6112(the battle.net port #)

2 bytes is just the size (i.e. in memory) of the number.  In Visual Basic this is called an integer.  In the protocol documentation I'm familiar with, this is called a WORD.

Surely if you're writing a bot in Visual Basic, you're using DM's packetbuffer or something similar, and know about .InsertWORD.

The only difference with this particular number (the port) is it must be converted to network byte order through a call to htons().

The declaration of this (just typing it in here) is:Public Declare Function htons Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal Number As Integer) As IntegerNote: This may really be winsock2.dll or something similar, I don't quite remember.


so your saying that if u do htons(6112) that is equal to Chr(&H17) & Chr(&HE0) ?


Quote from: NetNX on September 25, 2004, 12:06 PM
so your saying that if u do htons(6112) that is equal to Chr(&H17) & Chr(&HE0) ?
By a quick check, yes.  But that won't help you much when you try and put the IP in.

Note: My quick check follows (I didn't really have to use htons since this is a mac, but whatever).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <machine/endian.h>

int main() {
   printf("htons(6112) = 0x%X\n", htons(6112));
   return 0;
$ ./test
htons(6112) = 0x17E0



There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


alright i executed
MsgBox htons(6112)
and i got the message box that says -8169


Quote from: NetNX on September 25, 2004, 12:26 PM
alright i executed
MsgBox htons(6112)
and i got the message box that says -8169
Your point is... what?