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WC3 Hashes Help

Started by NetNX, September 17, 2004, 02:26 PM

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Unless your parents sucked at parenting, you know what is stealing and what is not stealing.  If you take something that belongs to someone else, without their permission, it is stealing.  With intellectual property, if you take someone else's work and use it without the author's permission, or use it significantly without modification, you are obviously stealing.

Don't get into semantics with us about stealing.  We know you're not that stupid, and if you are that stupid, you don't belong here.  So let us know which it is, and I'll be glad to take the appropriate action.  If you want to join our community and collaborate with all these fine folks, great, you are welcome to stay and these guys will help you learn.  But they won't help you if you don't show them that you're willing to work and learn.


Quote from: NetNX on September 18, 2004, 11:02 AM
How am I messing up the forum I'm not the one who's "counter productive" I ask someone to explain something to me and i get abunch of posts a bout totally unrelated things... Who the fuck cares if iago steals a computer and asks for technical support the sad thing is the company he stole it from WOULD probally give him technical support for it.

UserLoser.,  I Know no1 has your sources and no1 got your sources and you dont release your sources which has been my point and now i dont understand how people can say that Gosu Stole the source from you if no1 has your sources ...

Sniffer, Who said i didnt give credit?

And as far as you know i could be handing out this source code printed out in my programing class...

Really what is "Stealing" and what isnt.... if your answer is a varation of "Not stealing is designing your entire code from scratch and NEVER look at another coders code", your all guilty so dont bitch at me for working on someone elses source code...

NetNX the only I can tell you is to look at it through the perspective of the creators. If you haven't reliazed it yet it wasn't supposed to be released. If someone were to get their hands on the source to a project you have been creating for months and you were about to release and then modded it and released it as their own, you would feel the same. Basically what do you expect from the creators that did this? Do you expect them to help you with something that wasn't supposed to be leaked? Would you help someone with something they leeched from you?
You may give credit but when this all really becomes so open source will others? Of course they are going to delaying this.

Try not to take it on a personal attack, this happens to everyone who asks for this. Try asking the creators whether your allowed to use it or not first.

You want to know how things work? Don't ask questions like "How do I get the war3 hashing to work in my bot?" (your basically saying this) or even worse "uh help?"


The thing is, people are going to use that code.  I can't stop that.

But for somebody to have the.. I can't think of a word right now, but it means "total disregard for common courtesy" .. to actually ask the authors for help on source that was stolen from them is totally beyond me.

Here's some words to fill in that blank:
Quoteabrupt, abusive, bad-mannered, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, blunt, boorish, brusque, brutish, cheeky, churlish, coarse, crabbed, crude, curt, discourteous, graceless, gross, gruff, ignorant, illiterate, impertinent, impolite, impudent, inconsiderate, insolent, insulting, intrusive, loutish, low, obscene, offhand, peremptory, raw, rough, savage, scurrilous, short, surly, uncivil, uncivilized, uncouth, uncultured, uneducated, ungracious, unmannerly, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar, wild

I like "insolent".

But for somebody to be so insolent as to ask the original authors whose stolen code that he's using for help is totally beyond me.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


The source i am working on poofed out of thin air with no way to trace back to who made it or i might accually have followed your advice the only name on the source is UserLoser who claims he didnt make it.

I can't belive what you say about the source being stolen from you guys i hear 2 completly diffrent storys from 2 completly diffrent people.

One with only their reputation at stake. (GosuGaming)
One with their only hold on the Bot community.(VL's BNLS)

I learn more about writing bots everyday. I post Question's here becaue im looking for a hint or information about how to get one step closer to my goal.

Also I have fixed WC3 Hashes so they work with help from some of my friends... I start a new topic for my next 2 questions...


Please modify your post so it says, "My friends fixed the problem for me"
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


Go cry in the corner bad blood and keep your unnessisary comments to yourself...


Quote from: NetNX on September 18, 2004, 06:18 PM
The source i am working on poofed out of thin air with no way to trace back to who made it or i might accually have followed your advice the only name on the source is UserLoser who claims he didnt make it.

I can't belive what you say about the source being stolen from you guys i hear 2 completly diffrent storys from 2 completly diffrent people.

One with only their reputation at stake. (GosuGaming)
One with their only hold on the Bot community.(VL's BNLS)

I learn more about writing bots everyday. I post Question's here becaue im looking for a hint or information about how to get one step closer to my goal.

First, a few things you should think about before you respond.  GosuGaming got banned for being a pest here, so I don't think there's much of a reputation for him here that he has to worry about ruining.  Second, BNLS is not "vL's hold on the bot community"; it's provided because the members who created it want to provide it.  Whether the community uses it or not does not matter to the clan as a whole.  Not being part of the BNLS development team, I cannot say whether its use or non-use matters to them, or in what capacity it matters if it does.

Next, given GosuGaming's performance when he was here, and assuming a logical progression of ability from that point, I must strongly doubt that he could have created an NLS capable DLL on his own.  I assert that one of the following occured: he stole it, it was stolen and given to him (possibly without his knowledge that it was stolen), he had extensive help with it, he heard it was just SRP and adapted an existing SRP implementation to NLS (unlikely).
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Quote from: NetNX on September 18, 2004, 07:31 PM
Go cry in the corner bad blood and keep your unnessisary comments to yourself...

Learn to spell.



Quote from: NetNX on September 18, 2004, 06:18 PM
The source i am working on poofed out of thin air with no way to trace back to who made it or i might accually have followed your advice the only name on the source is UserLoser who claims he didnt make it.

Why not "poof" it out of your brain? Write it yourself, it's not hard, especially considering the resources available to you . If it IS hard, maybe you should consider moving down to a more basic project until you're more familiar with the way things work.

One with only their reputation at stake. (GosuGaming)
One with their only hold on the Bot community.(VL's BNLS)

I learn more about writing bots everyday. I post Question's here becaue im looking for a hint or information about how to get one step closer to my goal.

Your attitude sucks. It has sucked since you joined. The quantity of information available on this forum is astounding. The number of people willing to provide conceptual help if you show that you're willing to put forth the effort to get it right, instead of just asking for code, is also astounding.

QuoteGo cry in the corner bad blood and keep your unnessisary comments to yourself...

Right now, the only one crying is you.

- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Quote from: NetNX on September 18, 2004, 07:55 PM

Why do you insist on constantly bring up a subject that nobody is going to help you with. Search Google or ask GosuGaming, who by the way, is an extreme newb. I have dealt with him before, he really doesn't know 90% of what he claims.

For anybody who wants to know, the author of modNLS.bas was Binary[xL].
He writes all this code for people who don't even understand it. Ah well.


I fixed this problem too im capible of using ModNLS.bas and NLS.dll to connect to war3 i care about learning, i post source with my questions because i thought that would better equip the more knoledgable people to help me and stealth "CleanSlateBotOCX" isnt good enough for what i want it for so im attempting to make a similar program that does hashes

the good news is i wont have such broad questions anymore becauce im practicly done with the connection code

as for my aditude i dont understand why you think i have a bad adituide why dont you pm me why

someone lock this thread i fixed the problem


Quote from: NetNX on September 19, 2004, 03:07 AM
someone lock this thread i fixed the problem

The problem is you.  Your utter unwillingness to accept what anyone has to say is astonishing.  And I highly doubt you fixed yourself whilst disregarding what we all have to say.

So you're "practicly (sic)" done with the connection code, eh?  Who wrote it for you?  Or what did you copy it from?

UserLoser was a contributor on the team that produced the NLS.dll code.  As I recall, it was Maddox's code, UserLoser compiled it into NLS.dll, and a third member of the team left his computer open and unsecure to the public net, resulting in theft of intellectual property.

Then you take this NLS.dll and expect the authors, who did NOT want it released to the public, to help you with it.

I'll tell you what - I've gotten permission from the authors to use their code -- most likely because 1.) I've asked politely, and 2.) because I have developed a good relationship with them.

Your use of the code is likely NOT permitted, because -- quite frankly -- you haven't developed that rapport.

Go crawl in a hole somewhere.  Bring a dictionary so you learn how to spell, too.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


I'm accually using a dictionary without it my spelling would be alot worse ^^;;

ironicly i had reprogramed  'UserLoser bot' correctly to do [bold]Exactly[/bold] what i wanted it to do but the way i had it setup (still like 'UserLoser Bot') was preventing me from execuiting the application without it crashing i removed the remainder of the old bot and ran the application and it works now magicly...