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[VB] - Profile Setting problems...

Started by oldskooldrew, September 05, 2004, 10:55 PM

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With thise code i dont get the age set, and i think, not sure, but i dont receive the age to people either.

Public Sub SetProfile(strUser As String)

   Dim PacketBuf As New PacketBuffer
   With PacketBuf
       .InsertDWORD 1
       .InsertDWORD 4
       .InsertNTString strUser
       .InsertNTString "profile\sex"
       .InsertNTString "profile\age"
       .InsertNTString "profile\location"
       .InsertNTString "profile\description"
       .InsertNTString txtSex.Text
       .InsertNTString txtAge.Text
       .InsertNTString txtLocation.Text
       .InsertNTString txtDescription.Text
       .SendPacket frmBot.winsck, &H27
   End With
   Unload Me
End Sub

i'm not sure exactly, i know some things have changed since i was last programming for bnet, but im pretty sure i changed it to suit bnet.



Okay, that very well could be the problem. Any info as to why?


Age on the internet... shouldn't be that hard to figure out why :P


- Stealth
Author of StealthBot