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Help with irc/bnet bot idea (total noob)

Started by murphybob, August 26, 2004, 05:56 AM

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Hi, I am completely new here and to be honest i am struggling to understand all this stuff ;)

I am trying to write a bot that sits in a channel and passes everything said to an IRC channel.  But i don't think i can manage to write a whole bot from scratch so what i am really looking for is some framework that does the connection bits for me and then just sends my program/plugin a copy of what is said so i can deal with it.  My primary language is perl so a perl bot that i could re-engineer would be perfect.  If anyone knows of one I would love a link.  Failing what would people suggest as the best way to go?

Thanks for your help, (sorry if this wasn't the right place to post this btw)



I have a console bot written in Java.  I tend to redirect stdout to a file, but it can be piped into an irc program if you wanted to go that way.  A link to the bot can be found at http://javaop.clan-e1.net.  
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I have a bot written in C#, with a robust plugin system (the new plugin system is not available, but it's better ;)) that you can use to do what you describe.  Link at http://www.armabot.net.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Brilliant thanks!  I'll look at both of those, try them, and see what I have most success with. :)



Thanks again guys, I am using the java one (it was the first I tried and seems to work well) and I am having success.  Unidirectional communication, ie piping the channel straight to irc was easy, I am now grappling with bi-directional ie piping irc onto bnet, which is proving a bit of a bitch, however i think i can beat it somehow :D




Quote from: murphybob on August 27, 2004, 08:34 AM
Thanks again guys, I am using the java one (it was the first I tried and seems to work well) and I am having success.  Unidirectional communication, ie piping the channel straight to irc was easy, I am now grappling with bi-directional ie piping irc onto bnet, which is proving a bit of a bitch, however i think i can beat it somehow :D



I'm working on a socket communication .. thing right now.  Localhost can connect to it on a tcp socket and have access to bi-directional communication.  If you want to try it, the newest build on the cvs or the newest zip on the website has some preliminary support for it.

Contact me privately if you have any questions or bugs -- I'm more than happy to help!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Well, your socket stuff works a treat, much *much* better than arsing around with pipes.  Man that sucked ;)  So i actually have it working now which is great, bi-directional and all.  Thanks.  It took me a while because your documentation for these new features involved me looking at the code and figuring out what you were up to ;) lolz.  its living on #vpn and #bnet on irc.uwcs.co.uk (temporarily running on :3389 due to a DoS of the uni :/)  I can't haven't noticed any bugs so far, but if I do i will post them on your forum on the JavaOp site.  i really can't thank you enough.
