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Splitting file data by new line

Started by MailMan, March 26, 2003, 06:36 PM

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Hey I didn't mean to start a war.

I posted an optional way to do it from a professional perspective.  Using FileSystemObject has several points of merit in the paid development world.

#1, as Skywing points out, advanced in the algorithm behind libraries will be automatically inherited by any code written that uses those libraries.  In this case, so long as the GUID doesn't change for the interfaces of FSO, the code will automatically get better if they find a faster/better way to implement them.

#2, by using FSO, any programmer in the world familiar with FileSystemObject library can take once glance at the code snipped and easily maintain your code.  so its a good idea to practice using libraries that other programmers around the globe are familiar with.  maybe not for your bot, but for your skills.

nah you dont have to learn every method property and event in a library just to use a few functions from it.   if kamakazie wants to do that, great for him.  most programmers in the world find a library that has a few functions they need, and choose the library just for those.  forget the rest.

we just compared two libraries at work that convert PDF to TIFF very quickly.  we only needed 2 of the properties and 1 function call.  each library had a hundred or more other procedures we could've studied, but we didnt care about them.   one of the libs turned out to be 10x faster than the other, so we purchased it and used that 1 function.

Skywing touched on, barely, a counter-point.  Using libraries isn't always the best thing to do when learning.  It is educational to try to write your own functions that emulate library calls.  Then when you're capable of doing it yourself, go ahead and use the library.

I could go on, but won't.