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I Am a Newby, Help Me

Started by Tac-Tics, March 31, 2003, 01:25 AM

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Hi. Earlier today I got an idea for my clan website that would require being able to create my own custom bot for battle.net.

I've never made a bot before, but I found a lot of good... pieces... of information on creating one. So far, with the little help of an open source linux-based bot I found, I was able to make a program that can *almost* log in to bnet.

When I submit my name/pass to the server (useast.battle.net) I get a "Login incorrect" message sent back to me. I have a feeling this is because no where in my program does it submit a CD key. The code I was working off of didn't specify how to send your CD key info to the server =-(

So I guess that would be a good place to start asking my newb questions. How do I send my CD key data to Bnet? If you need me to be more clear on what I need, please tell me. Also, the program I'm writting is in C, so VB code won't help me.

Please forgive my newbieness, I only found this site about 30 minutes ago. If there are FAQs or something that I missed, please point me to them.


There isn't a FAQ as such, but there are a lot of threads on useful information. However most of it tends to be specific to people's questions and I would say largely by semi or experienced programmers and bot developers.

Most people here are helpful, but this forum isn't really for people who have such general issues. Certainly your bot will need to send a CD key to the server (if you are planning on making a binary one), but it is not as simple as it sounds. You need to be able to understand how to send and receive the packets bnet requires, in what order and what format.

Have a hunt around some of the topics here...you might find something that helps.
^-----silly Brit


There is something similar to a FAQ.




Each contain a wealth of information on writing bots, on the battle.net protocols, and helpful code.

Become familiar with those first and you'll have far less questions, and be more welcome here.