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Issuing console commands

Started by hismajesty, August 24, 2004, 09:27 PM

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How would I go about issuing commands to a console, such as ping google.com? I know the Windows APIs allow Shell(), but I'm looking more towards using this particular thing on a Linux machine. Thanks.


Look at using Runtime.exec(). It returns a Process object that allows you to access all the various streams for the command yourve executed.



Also, I don't really need to know anymore. I wanted to add a .update command to JavaOp so I could update the bot running in our channel when I make changes and iago is afk. But he gave me permission to access the script through my shell, so I can use that. :)


And I'm having issues with the script.  Pretty soon I'm just going to make a javaop account and give everybody the password >:(

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: