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[VB6] Account doesn't exist

Started by Blaze, July 19, 2004, 12:17 PM

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I am constantly getting the error Account does not exist in the response to 0x3A. I do know that the account that I am logging into does exist.

Here is my code for 0x3A

           Packet.InsertDWORD GTC
           Packet.InsertDWORD Servers
           Packet.InsertNonNTString Mid(Data, 4, Len(Data) - 3)
           Packet.InsertNTString GetStuff("Login", "Username")
           Packet.SendPacket &H3A

Here is my code for 0x0B (BNLS)

               Packet.InsertDWORD Len(GetStuff("Login", "Password"))
               Packet.InsertDWORD &H2
               Packet.InsertNonNTString LCase(GetStuff("Login", "Password"))
               Packet.InsertDWORD GTC
               Packet.InsertDWORD Servers
               Packet.SendBNLSPacket &HB

Here is my code for parsing 0x3A

           Select Case Asc(Mid(Data, 5, 1))
               Case &H0
                   AddChat "[Inferno] ", vbCyan, "BNET: Login Successfull", vbGreen
                         BNET "0x0A"
                         BNET "0x0B"
                         BNET "0x0C"
               Case &H1
                   AddChat "[Inferno] ", vbCyan, "BNET: Error, Account does Not Exist.", vbRed
               Case &H2
                   AddChat "[Inferno] ", vbCyan, "BNET: Error, Incorrect password!", vbRed
               Case Else
               AddChat "Received Unknown 0x3A Response", &HFFFFC0
               AddChat StrToHex(Data), &HFFFFC0
           End Select

Does anyone see any errors that might cause me to get Account does not exist?
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


What does GetStuff("Login", "Username") return?  Is it a null string?  What happens if you try creating the account?


Woopsy, I was thinking about the old config when I wrote that... Its now getstuff("Login", "User").

Thank you userloser.
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No