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New Java Project

Started by j0k3r, September 21, 2004, 07:24 PM

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Quote from: Lenny on September 23, 2004, 10:18 PM
I'm planning to make a system similar to the way a DHCP server leases ips.

The server will lease a key to an ip address.  That key will be reserved for that ip address for a certain period of time (undetermined).  Once that lease expires, the key will be placed back into the 'pool'.  There will be a program that will routinely go thru the key database removing inuse keys/banned keys from the 'pool' by simply checking they key status on battle.net.  

There will be presumably 4 key 'pools', one for each gateway.

And if your end-user is on a connection that gets a new IP address every time it's logged on, then..?


The end user is granted a new key.  The old key which was leased to his old ip will be thrown back into the pool once the program that routinely goes through the database finds it is no longer in use.

The end user won't be able to go back to his old key because he lacks all the necessary values to reverse it back into something useful.

The system isn't invulnerable from abuse or attack, but it does force the end user to go out of his/her way to attack it.

Worst comes to worse, the system will work on an account basis similar to BNLS in the past.  But I hope it won't come to that, because I want this system to be completely public.
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