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kachlon's prosterior

Started by slotterhouz, June 13, 2004, 09:22 PM

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erg, duh...
kachlon pull your pants up...
its better if you don't. :-*

-you know who


no, i don't. who?
at first i thought you were mrs. shim, but now im not sure since it was posted last night. i assume ytour referring to the picture of my ass on ashleys livejournal. the only possible way you would have found this site, however, is if you've seen me post her in bio, leading back to mrs shim



lol, hey did i ever show you the class of 06 song? you play a small role in it. It's funny as hell! It says like, one line about your ass, the rest is everyone else in vnhs. It only talks shit though. I dunno, you might find it amusing.. I'll show you if you want, before the year is over though.