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Unix Server

Started by Meh, June 18, 2004, 12:31 PM

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I am getting a server running unix. It will be used as a server fro home use but I play to put CS on there. Im not sure of the specs as im getting it from my mum's boyfriend but would it be suitable for web hosting? Its a Sun Solairis.


Anything can be a web host.  If you compile Apache from source, it'll install on almost any computer.  

Go to http://www.apache.org
Get the newest stable source release and unzip it into some directly
(if it's .tar.gz, the command is tar -xvvzf [file.tar.tg])
go into the directory, run ./configure
then make
then su root
then make install
that will put it in /usr/local/apache2
You can run it as root, and by default it'll switch to a null user, which is the securest.

From there, you can read documentation and figure stuff out :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


cool. Il, try it. Thanks.


It amazes me of the number of people who get a server and then think they're qualified to offer Web hosting to people.  If it's just for yourself and friends, then go for it.  But don't go out offering Web hosting to paying customers without a clue as to how to work the system inside and out.  I know this from my friend's personal experience too.


I know lots about hosting just not about unix i have to learn it.


Incidentally, I just set up Apache this morning, so if you try to do that and have any problems let me know.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I setup Apache on windows before. I have prolems with installing PHP/ MySQL.


I installed MySQL on Solaris at work, it was easy.  I've never installed Php, though.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: