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ParamArray Usage?

Started by TheNewOne, June 19, 2004, 01:48 AM

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Does anyone know how to use ParamArray that can help me learn how to use it. Ive tried msdn and i couldnt recollect enough from it to actually use it. Any help is greatly appreciated.


You should also try Google.........

Its purpose is just as it sounds, an array of parameters...If you wanted to send a dynamic number arguments you use paramarray.

This is frequently used in the addChat function of most bots...
It allows you to:
rtbadd "Text1", color1

and also use the same method to do:
rtbadd "Text1", color1, "Text2", color2

rtbadd Function:

Public Sub rtbAdd(ParamArray Elements() As Variant)
  Dim i as Integer
  For i = LBound(Elements) To UBound(Elements) Step 2  'Two seaparate Parameters (Text, Color)
     With SomeRtb
        .SelStart = Len(.text)
        .SelLength = 0
        .SelColor = Elements(i + 1) 'Color
        .SelText = Elements(i) 'Text
        .SelStart = Len(.text)
     End With
  Next i
End Sub
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