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The Void

Started by SiMi, December 26, 2002, 08:27 PM

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does anyone got the coding when you get banned and when your in the void you can see the other users and also talk with them?

Mesiah / haiseM

Im Sure anybody can figure it out with creativity...

What happens when you unignore a user in the channel?

The flags are re-displayed for every user in that channel.

So you would unignore somebody in the void, but who? YOURSELF! GENIOUS MESIAH! GENIOUS!

]HighBrow Innovations
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Use a bot and type /join the void
Then when you get there, type /unignore bob
Replace bob with your username.
Works for me.
Look, a ss!

Mesiah / haiseM

omfg, ok listen.

Ever set breakpoints in a project, or log anything when you unsquelch a user?

didnt think so, well you do this, under the flags event, every single person's stats in that channel, are re-displayed.

So, all you would have to do, is when you join the void, send "/unignore <YOURNAME>", and it will display everybody currently in the channel.

All you have to do then, is show everybody's stats, or add them to a listview, or rtb, or whatever u do, under the Flags event in 0x0F.

As for chatting with them, may i recommend using Instant Message styles whisper windows, Buddhabot has them, and it makes whispering a hell of alot easier.
]HighBrow Innovations
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QuoteYou can't talk with them (except by whispering).
It's possible that you could do the statstring chat stuff if you manually swept for statstring changes :)

Mesiah / haiseM

lol, and who would do this just to chat in the void?  :P
]HighBrow Innovations
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