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Getting Control Caption

Started by hismajesty, May 30, 2004, 01:00 PM

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This is probably pretty easy but I can't figure it out. I'm trying to get the caption of the things boxed in in red Here.

I looked it up in Spy++ and got t he name of the controls and what type of controls they are. They're all text boxes so I was hoping it'd be pretty easy. However, every item in the program uses the same class (TEST_WIN32WND) as opposed to a program like Notepad which has seperate ones and makes it easy :P. Since each control uses the same class how can I say which one I want the caption of? I had planned to use FindWindowEx for the textbox but since the class is widespread that won't work I don't think. I asked a few other people and the best advice I got was from xp - "Get a media player that doesn't suck." Any suggestions?


You need to determine what order the textboxes were created in, and then call FindWindowEx() with the siblings that number of times.  Alternatively, you can use a code-generating API spy which will do this for you and generate (unfortunantly VB , but its easily adaptable) the code to grab the handle of the window.  
Here's a good one: http://www.patorjk.com/progapispy.htm


Thanks, I'll look into that.




I sometimes use the coordinates to identify which one I'm after.