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WAR3 Stats

Started by Eric, January 06, 2003, 05:28 PM

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How do you parse the Warcraft III Statstring


i BELIEVE its on http://botdev.valhallalegends.com in documents, for vb i think


That would be the old way of doing it, before blizzard started changing all the war 3 stuff around


Quotei BELIEVE its on http://botdev.valhallalegends.com in documents, for vb i think

The document you are refering to is old and will no longer work.


warz posted his method, in visual basic, awhile back. search for warcraft.


if your the lord from "zer0", i went to the channel and your 'buddies' told me to leave and said the lord here is lord`bacca`[vL]..which i doubt, why would he ask for war3 SS parsing...and i havnt seen lord`bacca` talk for ages :-/


Bacca's name isn't Lord`, that used to be a clan
Lord]zer0[ doesn't have a capital R in it
...far as i can tell it's ]sV[LoRd (which shouldn't matter?...)


na it aint ]sV[LoRd, cause he would either use "Lordy", "]sV[LoRd" or "LoRd]sV[" cause you can use [ & ] on these forums.
i believe it is "LoRd]ZeR0[" (thats how he does it on bnet)


geez such a big post over who my identity is, shall i say or let it continue
choices choices lol
btw i found the post on the war3 stat string