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Started by register, May 27, 2004, 12:58 AM

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Just came across this website 2 days ago, and the forums 5 minutes ago.

My professional background is LAMP.
My personal background is VB. ( 6, but getting better at .net )

I live in the United States.

My primary spoken language is English.
My primary programming language depends on what project/langauge I'm currently working on/with. Reason: I go straight for the TOC, appendixes, or index, and grab what I need, when I need it. Be it from a book, or manual, this is my primary method. I then make a cheat sheat with what I use.

( Edit Add ) Languages: VbScript, Javascript, Perl, PHP, SQL, Java, VB 6, C/C++, MFC, COBOL, Basic.

Hobbies: Fishing, Amusement Parks, Intellectual Debates, Polishing( in the context of 'that blizzard polish', yet in multiple aspects of my life )

Interests: Irreducible/Reducible Complexity/Simplicity, CMT - Concentrated Multi-Tasking ( Think: Simultaneous usage of multiple threads without hesitation or delay. Winamp streaming, friend on phone, while stepping through code, without needed to refocus[ noticing last song ended 5 minutes ago, friend hung-up because you didn't speak, or you lost your place in the heiarchy of the code.] In simple, developer's meditation. )

Why am I here?
I haven't found an open source bot, so if needed, I'll fill that void. ( Linux users love open-source. )

Now for my life story...
*Dead Air*


I have an open source Java bot that I wrote since I use both Windows and Linux a lot.  It's not totally released yet, I haven't made it public, but if you want to have a look feel free to contact me privately (PM on the forum or over an instant messenger).  
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: