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Telnetting with Warcraft3 Account

Started by fuzzhead, May 16, 2004, 11:44 PM

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I am working on a chat client/bot that connects through type 0x03 connection. (or telnetting and hitting 'c').

I am having difficulty using my warcraft3 account.  I can successfully connect with Diablo accounts, but am unsure how to indicate that it's an @Lordaeron or @Azeroth account.

For example:

% telnet useast.battle.net 6112
Connected to useast.battle.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection from []

Enter your account name and password.
Use 'anonymous' if you only want to issue queries.

Username: fuzzykfas

2010 NAME fuzzykfas
1007 CHANNEL "Public Chat 1"
1001 USER GoChannelClanaC 0010 [CHAT]
1001 USER StarCraft-2K 0010 [CHAT]
1001 USER AtomikBot 0010 [CHAT]

%telnet useast.battle.net 6112
Connected to useast.battle.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection from []

Enter your account name and password.
Use 'anonymous' if you only want to issue queries.

Username: fuzzykfas@Azeroth
Password: XXXXXX

Login incorrect

Now, I do have accounts on Azeroth and USEast, and I can communicate with those on Azeroth by using the @ notation. Does anyone know how I can get onto the Chat Client Channels with a Warcraft3 account username/password?



I would recommend reading through the board front to end, looking for promising posts and skimming until you find interesting discussions. Everything you are asking has been discussed at one point or another.

Good luck.
Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


This one seems worthy of a straight-up answer. The problem you are encountering is that the Battle.net servers operate with two namespaces each: the Warcraft III namespace (@Azeroth) and the namespace for all other clients (@USEast). Your account on the Azeroth namespace is only accessible by a Warcraft III client, whereas your account on the USEast namespace is accessible to anything that's not Warcraft III, and vice versa.

- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Quote from: Stealth on May 16, 2004, 11:55 PM
This one seems worthy of a straight-up answer. The problem you are encountering is that the Battle.net servers operate with two namespaces each: the Warcraft III namespace (@Azeroth) and the namespace for all other clients (@USEast). Your account on the Azeroth namespace is only accessible by a Warcraft III client, whereas your account on the USEast namespace is accessible to anything that's not Warcraft III, and vice versa.


Cool, I figured as much.  So what is the workaround? How can I log into the Warcraft3 realms/gateways/namespaces ;) via telnet.  Or must I use the 0x01 type connection, and do full authentication?

Thanks for the help, and pardon the newb questions,


You must do the full war3 authentication.  I suspect the reason they did this is security - the war3 password-exchange protocol is fairly secure, and it would defeat the purpose to have people sending passwords in plaintext.

<edit> in fact, the server doesn't technically _know_ your password.  Because of how the login with a binary client works, the server only has a representation (verifier) of your password, not the actual password.  So if they allowed telnet connections, there would be no way to know if you sent in the correct password.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
