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[C++] How to use Winsock?

Started by Sorc_Polgara, May 16, 2004, 04:25 PM

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I want to learn to use BNLS using C++.  I guess I need to know how to use winsock in C++ first.

This maybe too broad of a question.  How do I use winsock in C++ so that I can use BNLS in C++.?

Please help.

OT:  I looked at the main.cpp for Skywing's SimpleBot but I need the header to be able to understand most of it.  Anyone know where to get a hold of it?



You're going to need this for BNLS.

#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320
unsigned long CRC32Table[256];

void InitCRC32()
   static bool CRC32Initialized = false;
   CRC32Initialized = true;

   for(unsigned long I = 0; I < 256; I++) {
      unsigned long K = I;
      for(unsigned long J = 0; J < 8; J++)
         K = (K >> 1) ^ ((K & 1) ? CRC32_POLYNOMIAL : 0);
      CRC32Table[I] = K;

unsigned long CRC32(unsigned char* Data, unsigned long Size)

   unsigned long CRC = 0xffffffff;
      CRC = (CRC >> 8) ^ CRC32Table[(CRC & 0xff) ^ *Data++];
   return ~CRC;

inline unsigned char Hex(unsigned char Digit)
   if(Digit < 10)
      return Digit + '0';
      return Digit - 10 + 'A';

unsigned long BNLSChecksum(const char* Password, unsigned long ServerCode)
   unsigned long Size = (unsigned long)strlen(Password);
   unsigned char* Data = new unsigned char[Size + 8];
   memcpy(Data, Password, Size);
   unsigned long I = 7;
   do {
      Data[Size + I] = Hex((unsigned char)ServerCode & 0xf);
      ServerCode >>= 4;

   unsigned long Checksum = CRC32(Data, Size + 8);
   delete[] Data;
   return Checksum;