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The New Guy

Started by DarkLord, July 17, 2004, 03:03 AM

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hi name's Dustin
account is DarkLord@uswest or Peerless@uswest,
and there is my clan name eN.DarkLord @ east & west.
Clan name eliteNation
west channel clan eN
east channel clan xeNx

i program with vb(wont say i am the best or even close to it)
made a few bot's

DarkFlood, a bot that well join chans and spam msg's (i dont use it any more, veary gay)

Dark`Ops, my latest bot and still an ongoing project
made for well holding ops lol

any way if any 1 read through all that (wich i know i wouldnt want to)
i have a question...
i seen a few people on the fourm talkin about a packet sniffer(a program or something that well tell you what packets are being sent and recived with battle.net)i havent ever used 1 of these, but i think i could use it.
so if any 1 could point me in the right direction i would be thank full :P
talk later  :P


A 3 seconds google search brought me up to this:

And good choice on the name, it isn't taken anywhere and it's unique.


Edit: Telling people is bad, I'll take Grok's signature into consideration (well, I'll teach you how to find it as opposed to just giving it to you, sort of).
Search: free "Packet sniffer"
Quoteyou've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


thanks j0k3r, didnt know what to search for any way lol


My name is Peer. Just thought you all should know ;).

