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Channel Operations Idea

Started by SA-Theoden, February 06, 2003, 07:15 PM

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I have been trying to make the perfect opsbot(Which I know in comparisson to most people here, will be just another bot...) Anyways,

I am using the squelch command to IP ban people, though whenever I reconnect to battle.net the squelch list is reset. I wanted to make a battle.net user monitor without flooding battle.net with a whole bunch of /whois commands. I would try /f list, but for it to notify you that the person has logged on, you must also be on their friends list, bla bla bla. I would like to make the monitor so once the person that is on my pban list logs on it bans the person from the channel and squelches them.

What is the propper method to make a battle.net user monitor?


PS: UserLoser, I am Arthas :)


i would say make seperate chat connections keep whoising people on a given interval


Okay, I'll think about it, but I want to explore the IP sniffing aspect first =/


ip sniffing? you have no way of getting there ip


Quoteyou have no way of getting there ip

That is, provided that they haven't created (or joined, if you know how to do it...) a game.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?
