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Unbreakable Encryption

Started by Noodlez, March 17, 2004, 12:51 AM

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Quote from: Adron on March 21, 2004, 01:23 PM
Ahwell, I still think the practical details of the transmission is what makes this unusable. And if in this case Bob is measuring X particles randomly, what's to stop an attacker from doing the same...

The probability is fairly low that an attacker will guess the same thing Bob guesses every time.

BTW, since I'm at home I have some reference at hand:

"In 1995 researchers at the University of Geneva  succeeded in in implimenting quantum cryptography in an optic fiber that stretched 23 km..."

"...So far the Los Alamos [New Mexico National Laboratory] has succeeded in transmitting a quantum key through the air over a distance of 1 km."

The copyright on this book ("The Code Book" by Simon Sing) is 1999, so its possible the distance has been increased by now.  


I was never aware that scientists were able to excite atoms and polarize light. How could energy, in the form of a photon, be polarized? I never thought that energy had any (or was capable of having any) dipole forces. Why do you have to polarize light, couldnt they polarize anything and send it? Perhaps some one could enlighten me  :)
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