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Sending Packets with CleanSlateBot

Started by JaMi, December 19, 2002, 06:58 AM

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Could anyone give me an example of sending a packet with CleanSlateBot.ocx , I see the new version has support for it, but the readme hasnt been updated to show info on it, Any help would be greatly appreciated thank ya :)


BuildPacket is just a buffer that lets you insert items one by one, so itd be used like this:
CleanSlateBot1.BuildPacket("BNET", "PACKET", &H10, "DWORD", 2, "NTSTRING", "ChannelToJoin", "PACKET", &HC)
the BNET is what server to send the packet to, the PACKET says its the end of the current data in the first packet, the &h10 is the packetID, the DWORD is to insert a DWORD to the buffer, the 2 is the value of the DWORD, the NTSTRING inserts a null terminated (00 00 in packet log) string to the buffer, ChannelToJoin is the text that is going to be inserted, the PACKET says thats the end of the data in that packet, and &hc is the packetID.
This is used for most binary bot rejoin functions, it sends 0x10 (private game) and send 0x0C (full channel join) to rejoin the channel you are currently in.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Dude stop answering posts from 2 months ago lol.


i figured that user may still need the help


I guess he is still trying to work out what it all means   ;D
^-----silly Brit


wow...... only 2 months on the reply time heh, and i figured it out about 2 days after i asked the question, but umm thanks anyway i think?