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Started by Camel, February 13, 2003, 04:55 PM

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i've just recently started workin with the "new" (the old new..) bnet login sequence...and i'm having some trouble with 0x51. the gamerevision seems to be fine, but it keeps rejecting my cd key as invalid. is the cd key has algo the same as it was or 0x36?

               lngSeed = CVL(Mid(strData, 9, 4))
                lngKey = GetTickCount

                DecodeCDKey Replace(frmSetup.Cdkey, "-", ""), lngProdID, lngValue1, lngValue2
                HashCDKey lngKey, lngSeed, lngProdID, lngValue1, lngValue2
                Dim HashOut As String
                HashOut = _
                        MKL(lngKey) & _
                        MKL(lngSeed) & _
                        MKL(lngProdID) & _
                        MKL(lngValue1) & _


nevermind, i wasn't sending the seed to bnet right