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[Javascript] Text Editor

Started by j0k3r, February 20, 2004, 04:11 PM

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Alright I posted this in PHP thought he wanted me to do this, but it turns out since it can't be done in PHP he now wants it in Javascript. So here's the modified post (because I'm too lazy to retype)

Alright I just got another job from a guy I've done some stuff with before. This time he has asked me to develope a text editor(similar to the "new mail" one in hotmail) so that the guy(or his customers) can change how a page looks without having to open it up in notepad and edit through HTML code.

The guy is paying me for this so I'm looking to work with someone and give them a cut. I am not asking someone to do this for me, and I have never programmed in javascript so I won't be able to do alot of the stuff, but I will learn it and do all I can.

To clarify(as it seems it wasn't very clear last time), the user will not be seeing any HTML code, just the output of the HTML in the window. This output is what the guy wants to be able to be edited, so highlight text then bold it, or unbold, or italicize, or etc...
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I have too much going on to learn javscript, and no one seems interested anyways. If someone here doesn't want to take it as a project (I'll give something like 75% of payment) then I'm going to have to tell him I can't do it.

What was that site where programmers take small jobs? I remember seeing it around this forum a couple of months ago.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: j0k3r on February 23, 2004, 09:19 PM
I have too much going on to learn javscript, and no one seems interested anyways. If someone here doesn't want to take it as a project (I'll give something like 75% of payment) then I'm going to have to tell him I can't do it.

What was that site where programmers take small jobs? I remember seeing it around this forum a couple of months ago.

rentacoder.com or rent-a-coder.com or something like that.  It's linked from pscode.com.

And although I know a little about Javascript, I think it has limitations regarding writing to files anywhere and such.  I could probably pound one out in JSP if they have a JSP enabled server, but it wouldn't be beautiful, it would be similar to posting on a forum.

How much money are you talking, anyway? :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yes, rentacoder.com is a god send, as it gives me a quick and easy reference for anyone who complains about money or not being able to find a job. :P Requires you to put to togather resume for current skills but once you get a job you keep building up referals. If you're willing thats the way anyone can get a job programming, and occationally silly people put up jobs on there for stuff like "Help answer programming questions" to help them learn, its very easy to get started.

Also: JavaScript is like beyond easy... its total pseudo-code. Just learn the version 1.3 spec since its supported by all browsers and non-poorly taken over version. http://devedge.netscape.com/library/manuals/2000/javascript/1.3/reference/

I haven't looked into it(?) but possibly up to 1.5 is universally supported. Either way, the icky version starts in 2.0.
- Hostile is sexy.


I feel like a chick. I've changed my mind again after my computer science teacher lectured us about getting a job, and doing it even if it meant learning a new language(seems similar to this one). He also talked to us about being with the same employer for awhile(I've been doing things for this guy alot) and how it can REALLY help on a resume.

Thanks for the link Hostile, I'm sure it will help. And if anyone is willing to help I'll still be paying for the help, e-mail is: [email protected], AIM is j0k3rKZ.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


You're going to need to do quite a bit of coding, but don't exaggerate what you'll have to do. JavaScript has ample amounts of open source on the web, with literally databases full of scripts. Almost every company I know of supports using that open source, if you can get your job done quicker. This of course is in the assumption that they're not making a profit off of the open source, and you're just using it as a productivity tool. Either way, you can check with your supervisor who can varify that. As far as working... well duh? A diploma is indispensable when looking for a job after college, but if you have work experience on top of that, you'll give them an employee worth hiring.
- Hostile is sexy.


Crap I forgot about this thread, thought I'd post a follow up. Why re-invent the wheel? www.interactivetools.com has a free text editor called htmlarea that you can download and use, all I have to do is make it open/save files from database now.

Here's a straight link to it: http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/documentation.html
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo