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0x03 (MCP)

Started by PaiD, March 07, 2004, 08:20 PM

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I am working on d2 games. I am having problems with my Recieve from 0x03.

   Case MCP_GAME ' 0x03
       Select Case PBuffer.GetDWORD(Mid(Data, 4, 4))
           Case &H0
               AddC frmMain.rtbChat, vbRealm, "Creating Game."
               With PBuffer
                   .InsertBYTE &H2
                   .InsertBYTE &H0
                   .InsertNTString frmGame.txtName
                   .InsertNTString frmGame.txtPass
                   .SendRealmPacket &H4
                   .InsertDWORD &H1
                   .InsertDWORD &H0
                   .InsertDWORD &H0
                   .InsertDWORD &H0
                   .InsertDWORD &H0
                   .InsertNTString frmGame.txtName
                   .InsertNTString frmGame.txtPass
                   .InsertBYTE &H0
                   .SendPacket &H1C
               End With
           Case Else
               AddC frmMain.rtbChat, vbRealm, "Game Exists! Case: " & PBuffer.GetDWORD(Mid(Data, 4, 4))
               With PBuffer
                   .InsertNonNTString StrReverse(Bot.Product)
                   .InsertNTString &HA
                   .InsertNonNTString &H0
                   .InsertNTString frmGame.txtName
                   .InsertNTString frmGame.txtPass
                   .SendPacket &H22
               End With
       End Select

With my last run I got Case 2. Any1 know anything on this?

Edit: When I was messing with some more. I was sent 0x14. What is this packet?

[21:57:26] Unidentified Realm Packet: 0x14
[21:57:26] 07 00 14 0A 00 00 00                                .......


(DWORD) Count

Number of users in line to create a game.

And for 0x3, mid(data, 4, 4) isn't the right dword to check status on


So I can ignore 0x14 then correct?


Quote from: MoNeY on March 07, 2004, 09:10 PM
So I can ignore 0x14 then correct?

Yes, you can safely ignore it since there is no response to it