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BNCS flag (?): need major BNCS tutoring

Started by ExaM, March 03, 2004, 08:18 AM

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I'm attempting to make my own bot, but I'/m having problems with it and was hoping someone could help me. I'm working on:

JoinedChannel(ChannelName, flags)

Part of the bot, but i don't know how to use this, do I put anything where 'ChannelName, flags'  is, or what do I put for flags? I'm trying to make the channel name display above the channel list, but I'm, having problem >.< could someone help me?

[Kp edit: corrected title to be reflective of poster's intent and status.  Original title referenced BNLS, which is not at all relevant to the problem at hand.]


First, I would recommend that you learn a little more Visual Basic before attempting to make a bot. Try www.vbtutor.net. The code for joined channel should look something like:

Private sub JoinedChannel(Channelname as String, Flags as integer)
    channellist.text = channelname
end sub

Channellist should be the textbox where you want the channel name displayed.

Are you using CleanSlateBot.ocx? Post a little more information about your problem to help us help you.
- Feanor[xL]
clan exile
iago: "caps lock is like cruise control for cool"


Sorry, yes I am using CleanSlateBot.oxc, thanks for the info, I'll try it and modify this post.


Quote from: DaRk-FeAnOr on March 03, 2004, 12:35 PM
First, I would recommend that you learn a little more Visual Basic before attempting to make a bot. Try www.vbtutor.net. The code for joined channel should look something like:

Private sub JoinedChannel(Channelname as String, Flags as integer)
    channellist.text = channelname
end sub

Channellist should be the textbox where you want the channel name displayed.

Are you using CleanSlateBot.ocx? Post a little more information about your problem to help us help you.

Thanks fo ryour help  ;D this is what I did to get the channelname:

Private Sub CSB_JoinedChannel(ByVal ChannelName As String, ByVal flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
   lblChannel.Caption = ChannelName
End Sub

Thanks Dark Feanor for the help  ;D


Haha... real funny whoever changed the post name