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Java Books, Online Books, and Website Refrence

Started by Tuberload, February 26, 2004, 03:10 AM

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I figured we could start a Java programming reference thread.

Books (All the Java books I have, along with my opinions on them):
Java 2: A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt
    This book was what my high school Java class was based on. It cover's the complete basics of Java. It comes with tons of mini quiz's, full quiz's, projects, etc... A good book for people who have never programmed before and are interested in Java. If you have programming experience I wouldn't recommend reading it.

Java Software Solutions by Lewis & Loftus
    I have mixed feelings on this book. It does teach you some good programming concepts, and introduces a lot of Java in an easy to understand way. My problem is it doesn't follow object-oriented principles very well. I think this book would be good for people with some programming experience, interested in Java.

Sams Teach Yourself Object Oriented Programming In 21 Days
    I thought this was a very good book. It teaches object oriented programming in a very easy to understand way. It also covers analysis, and design methodologies. Introduces design patterns, and UI programming. Every chapter has a short quiz, and exercises. Its final project is a poker game. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn OOP.

Java 2: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt
    This book is an excellent reference for J2SE 1.4. Covers almost all of the most widly used Java libraries. A good book for anyone wanting an extremely large reference for Java. J2SE 1.5 has recently been released, so you may want to buy the next edition.

Books Online:
Java 1.1 Unleashed, Third Edition By Michael Morrison
    This book is kind of out dated, but is still worth reading. Teaches a lot of programming concepts.

The Java Language Specification
    This is for those of you who need to know exactely what's going on.

Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel
    A good book for anyone interested in learning Java. Covers the basics, and much more. Written for more intermediate programmers, but nothing to hard to follow.

Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


Classic Data Structures in Java by Timothy Budd
    This book is the specified text for COMP103 at the university I goto. Its a pretty thorough book and covers most common data structures. Its emphasis seems to be on Queues and their various means of implementation. It also includes a CD with some nice clean interfaces for the Structures as well as its own implementation of some.


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Effective Java: Programming Language Guide by Joshua Bloch
    This book is an excellent book. I would recommend it to anyone seriously interested in programming with Java. It is even recommended by java.sun.com. ;D http://java.sun.com/docs/books/effective/
Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


I understand your point, iago... but you haven't been programming in Java that long either.

http://java.sun.com/ - has most of the tools and information you'll need.
http://www.java.net/ - has a better community, especially good reference for news on Java and third-party tools/API.
http://www.java.com/ - the place to send people and yourself to get the latest Java VM. Also, it has the word, "grok" on the front page.
http://www.jcp.org/ - java.sun.com usually just sends you here anyways, but you're usually better off just visiting the JSR list if you're looking for a spec document for a certain API.
- Hostile is sexy.


java.sun.com is nice.. wait till you start messing with threads and paraleell processing.. Such things as synchronization and things can get tricky.. I'm not sure if you will be doing paralell processing work but if you are then you definatly want a book.. The java doc's on it aren't as informative as one may like.