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Spam Email

Started by K, January 24, 2004, 11:13 PM

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It's poetically trying to avoid my spam filter!

G­­­­­e­­­­­t­ ­­­­­a­­­­ ­­f­r­­­­­e­­­­­e­­ ­­­­­o­­f­­ ­­­c­­­­­h­a­­­­­r­­­­g­­e­­­­­ ­­­­­d­­­e­b­­t­­­­ ­­­­a­­­­­n­­­­­a­­l­­­­­y­s­­­­­i­­s­­­ ­­­w­­­i­t­­h­ ­­­­n­­­o­­­­­ ­­­­­c­­­­­o­m­­­m­­­­i­t­­­­m­­­e­­­­n­­­t­­­
G­­­­­o­­­ ­t­­­­o­­­­­ ­o­­­u­­­r­­­ ­­­w­­­e­­b­­­s­­­i­­­t­­­e­­­­­ ­r­­­i­­­­g­h­­­t­­­­­ ­­­h­­­e­r­e­

We is not crapping on your red five dollar bill Where was the minty child? nearby the tire?
the stupid tree branch hates the radio the expert died becuase the jackrabbit was driving with the tent

O­­­­­n­­­­e­­­­­ ­­e­­­­a­s­­y­ ­­l­­o­w­­­­­ ­­m­o­n­­­­t­h­­­l­y­­ ­­­p­­a­­­y­­­­­m­­­­e­­­­n­­­­t­­
I wonder if the window was smooth
Don't be so lonely underneath the kinky sign lies a fancy model
well slap mah fro! thin expert!

Soul Taker