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Synth's "/WHOAMI"

Started by synth, January 14, 2004, 05:19 PM

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Howdy.  I'm new here to the ValhallaLegends forums.  My name's Brett, but I go by the name "synth" on most internet forums, games, and miscellaneous things I visit.  My goal here at ValhallaLegends and their forums is to improve my knowledge of Visual Basic, program a working Battle.net bot that supports all modern game clients and incorporates new, useful features, and lastly, do the same in Visual C++ once I gain a solid grasp of the language.

Call me an idealist, I know...but anyway.

I program in Visual Basic, ASP, JavaScript, slight amounts of PHP, and hopefully, soon, C++.

Thanks for reading and welcoming me here.  I look forward to my stay on these forums. =)


Welcome. What kind of games do you like? Got any hobbies? Music? etc.


oh no, Mitosis is our Welcome Wagon now.. we're doomed :(

but seriously, welcome, you'll find lots of resources and help here, as long as you don't ask stupid questions :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yeah, my /WHOAMI is sorta incomplete so here's the rest...

I'm into computer hardware (including overclocking) and I own two computers.  One was prebuilt by an OEM, the other I built myself just this past October.  It's AMD based, with a Barton 2500+ and an Asus A7V8X-X motherboard.  I plan to upgrade some later, though I run the processor at 200x11 most of the time (about 2.2ghz, counting 1ghz as 1000mhz, which makes it equivalent to an Athlon XP 3200+).

In my remaining free time, I'm a student at a private school in Dallas, Texas and I participate actively in the robotics club, where we just recently participated at the Texas BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology) competition with teams from 7 other states.  Don't ask me why they call it a "state" competition, because I have no clue.  Anyway, we placed about 30th out of 60 teams, due to our robot malfunctioning after becoming tangled up with the one of another team's.  It was still fun, and it was the best we had ever done before as a club.  Later on this year we were going to try out FIRST, which is more time-consuming and rigorous, but we honestly have about 11 people, and during BEST we sacrificed personal lives, schoolwork, and sleep every day until about midnight to get as far as we did.

In the meantime, I play plenty of computer games.  My favorite ones are StarCraft (and the expansion Brood Wars), Warcraft III (I lost my copy of W2BN a while ago), and the game Half-Life.  I also play the Half-Life mods Desert Crisis, Team Fortress Classic, and Counter-Strike.  When I listen to music, it's mostly techno.  Some of it's good, some of it's bad, but I find that most techno has a really good beat that I can groove to.

Quoteyou'll find lots of resources and help here, as long as you don't ask stupid questions

Yeah, I know the drill. =)  I went through the same trying to build my first computer.  Look up manuals, documentation, google, botdev.valhallalegends.com, and examples.  If I don't find anything then preface my question with, "I did a search but nothing turned up on google so, <insert question>"   or "I looked through the documentation for this but couldn't find any information on my problem <insert problem>".  I'll see if I can find this internet manual I found to good question writing.

Anyway, thanks for reading all of my (second) /WHOAMI post.


Quote from: iago on January 15, 2004, 12:14 PM
oh no, Mitosis is our Welcome Wagon now.. we're doomed :(

We must abandon the wagon before it is too late!
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Have you ever done any gay porn?


That's a negative on the gay porn.


QuoteYeah, I know the drill. =)  I went through the same trying to build my first computer.  Look up manuals, documentation, google, botdev.valhallalegends.com, and examples.

How did botdev.valhallalegends.com help you build your computer?


Asking questions about cheap parts?


Excuse me for not being concise.

If I have problems building my bot, I will look through search engines, look for documentation (botdev.valhallalegends.com comes to mind), and if all else fails, try and compare the workings of my code to that of the source of simple bots that are abundant around the internet.

My experience with problems building my computer was similar.  I looked through google, websites (overclockers.com), and searched for existing forum questions.  This process helped solve my problem.

As you can see, the process of the two different goals I had in mind are similar, the only one being the difference in location of the resources.

Any questions? =)