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D2XP Char logins

Started by Fr0z3N, December 30, 2003, 09:22 PM

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whats wrong with this?

Private Sub mnuConnectRealm_Click()
With TCP
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertBYTE &H0
   .SendPacket &H34
End With
End Sub

Private Sub sckRealm_Connect()
   sckRealm.SendData Chr(1)
   Unload frmRealm
   AddC vbGreen, "Connected to Diablo Realm!"

With TCP
   .InsertNonNTString p1
   .InsertNonNTString p2
   .InsertNTString UName
   .SendRealmPacket &H1
End With
End Sub


Case &H3E
               p1 = Mid(Data, 5, 16)
               p2 = Mid(Data, 29, 48)
               AddC vbYellow, "Attempting to connect to Diablo Realm " & varServer
               Form1.sckRealm.Connect varServer, 6112


i'm assuming varServer is the same chat server you're connecting to.  The realm servers are different, and are sent back to you in 0x3E

Edit: correct packet id


anyone know how to find out the d2 realm server using 0x3E?

I've tryed mid(data,17,4) and that doesnt work