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Delivering the Proposal

Started by Thing, November 24, 2003, 03:30 PM

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This weekend I put together a proposal to set up and manage a network for a company located north of Dallas.  These guys do targeting and guidance systems for air-to-surface missiles for the USAF.  I delivered it this morning and DAMN! Talk about a tough crowd!  Here I am in this room full of PhD's, who know their shit doesn't stink, trying to get them to come down to my level and understand that just because you're a rocket scientist doesn't mean you have to be an ass!  One guy was appalled that I was going to charge them a consultation fee for putting together the proposal.  I guess he thought that I enjoyed those 15 hours of work so much that I was just going to do it for free.  HA!

Anyway, they chilled out when I gave them an impromptu demonstration of remote access through VPN and some other cool tricks.  I even heard the ass say "Wow" once.  HA! Again!  I'll give you guys an update when they award me the contract. :)
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


OK, the head propellar head just called and awarded me the contract.  ;)  Now I must figure out a way to inject special code into their targeting software that will direct all missles to Canada.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.



haha, I'm not worried.  No person or missile could possibly find my city.  It'll just miss horribly.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Thing on November 26, 2003, 10:15 AM
OK, the head propellar head just called and awarded me the contract.  ;)  Now I must figure out a way to inject special code into their targeting software that will direct all missles to Canada.
How big are these contracts? How long does they last?


This contract is a little one.  Tuesday I'll go there and interview them to get some more details and create the plan of action.  It will probably run around $10K up front and then a monthly maintenance fee.  The initial installation will take around 10 hours.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Thing on November 26, 2003, 03:51 PM
This contract is a little one.  Tuesday I'll go there and interview them to get some more details and create the plan of action.  It will probably run around $10K up front and then a monthly maintenance fee.  The initial installation will take around 10 hours.
whoa...where's your profit in that nice number.(small contract you say? - lol)


"air-to-surface missiles for the USAF" could i buy a few? cheap? i have some people i don't like
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Buy 7 get the 8th one free



Quote from: Denial on November 27, 2003, 02:10 PM
"air-to-surface missiles for the USAF" could i buy a few? cheap? i have some people i don't like

You have a private jet you'll be mounting these on?