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Hooking up my Computer

Started by OuTLawZGoSu, October 29, 2003, 09:37 AM

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Im getting a new comp this month andi nwanna hook that shit up. im talkin about Neon Lights, CLear cases and some other stuff like that.Anyone no a website where ican get those. I tryed searching google but i coldnt get anything Help?


ThemalTake, and lots of other places have all that junk.

Put "case mods" in google, I "SUSPECT" it will get you what you want.

Disclaimer:  I have not entered "case mods" in google, however I have seen that phrase on various sites I have been looking at this morning!


Good job grok :)

You could also say "Try 'case mods' in google and see if it gives you any hits."

It seems to work rather nicely, producing links both to people who will do the modding for you and to the actual mod equipment. On a side note - if I had been answering the original question, where he stated that Google hadn't found anything useful, I would've been sure to try out a google search just to make sure there was something to be found...

Edit: btw, are you into case mods yourself now Grok? Or why have you been looking at sites mentioning that?


I was ordering a new power supply so had been on sites specializing in higher-priced items, which include case mods.  Trying to find a balance between priorities of temperature control, noise limitation, and cost, I ended up with this power supply:

Enermax EG465AX-VE

Cost $92.99

While I actually purchased it from newegg, I found the price via pricegrabber.com.  Somewhere along the newegg searches I came across the ThermalTake and other case mods, since they also carried CPU cooling supplies.


Ah. I just recently bought a new Papst cpu fan (only fan, not heatsink). It's much less noisy than the old one.

edit: About your power supply, are the 110 V models much less efficient than the 230V versions? I just looked at:

Iin=115/230VAC 6.5A/2A 9.5A /2.5A

2A*230VAC = 460 VA while 6.5A*115VAC = 747.5 VA, rather much more.


I can not answer that since I don't know much about electrical efficiency anymore, having not used the concepts since about 1990 before I left the Navy.

The power supply should be switchable to use either 115VAC or 230VAC.  I relied on a technical comparison of a number of better power supplies in order to pick that one.  The link is:



Quote from: OuTLawZGoSu on October 29, 2003, 09:37 AM
Im getting a new comp this month andi nwanna hook that shit up. im talkin about Neon Lights, CLear cases and some other stuff like that.Anyone no a website where ican get those. I tryed searching google but i coldnt get anything Help?

I just wanted to point out it took me an extra few seconds to wade through your babble of crummy english. Anyways, www.newegg.com is where I got/get all my stuff for systems. Also when "hookin the shit up" normally there are guides that show you. But if you can't figure out how to hook up your neon lights to your power supply, I suggest not trying to build a computer because you'll more than likely get shocked or damage the components.
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


There's only one way to find out. Prove it!


Power = Current * Voltage is the general formula. So if you halve the voltage and double the current, the power is constant. If you halve the voltage and more than double the current, the power increases.


So to make my computer more powerful, I just have to pump in more voltage? ;)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Indeed. Mostly you're not interested in total power though, only in the power that actually produces work that you are interested in. That's the biggest point to be made about the power supply: The desirable power *output* is constant and given, but the power *input* is different for 115VAC and 230VAC.


i no a kid that can do it for me if i get shocked. hehe

and im not building a computer, im making it better.  


Quote from: OuTLawZGoSu on October 29, 2003, 09:50 PM
i no a kid that can do it for me if i get shocked. hehe

and im not building a computer, im making it better.  

Uhh...if you get shocked theres a good chance of maybe damaging some hardware. Also, if your "making it better" then you should probably buy the component's first and see how the connection is based. Either its via the Power Supply or you hook it directly to your motherboard.

Also your lack of ability to write posts that make sense the first time around offends me. Try using better grammer and spelling next time. Not that I don't myself talk like an idiot in chat rooms, but when asking somewhat logical questions on our forum, please ATTEMPT to use proper english. kthnx  8)
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


LoL, i was playin' dawg. I know how to install hardware I'm gonna' get. And about the grammer, I was in a rush. Srry :/