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Upgrading a Server

Started by Grok, November 06, 2003, 09:05 AM

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I posted this on a newsgroup where I expect someone will know, but to give everyone here a chance to contribute too, this is a copy of my question:


Existing server is Windows 2000 stand-alone, containing a few dozen user accounts.  I am building a new server running 2003 to replace the 2000, and want all existing security accounts to transfer.

The existing 2000 install is buggy, so I don't want to do an in-place upgrade to 2003 with it.  But I also don't want to have to recreate all the user accounts and set file permissions on all the webs.

Has anyone done something similar and can share procedures or ideas?



I seem to remember a security migrations program I've seen with windows NT builds, but I can't remember exactly where.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: