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The Advice Bunny!

Started by Spht, October 15, 2003, 05:52 PM

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Question: Would you like a candy?
Bunny's Response: Yes, definately!

Question: Here you go. Do you like me now?
Bunny's Response: I say you consult your magic 8-ball for this one.

Question: I don't have a magic 8-ball. You'll have to answer me.
Bunny's Response: The answer is no. And please do not ask again.

Question: OK Sorry. Can we at least be friends?
Bunny's Response: ... ..huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Wasn't paying attention.

Question: You're not all that great.
Bunny's Response: Yes. Yes yes yes. Wanna order a pizza?

Question: Only if you pay.
Bunny's Response: Oh that's a tough one. I'm going to go with.. No.

Question: Damn you bunny. Do you like movies?
Bunny's Response: Let me meditate for awhile and I'll get back to you on that.

Question: Alright. How about TV shows? Like Seinfeld, do you like that?
Bunny's Response: Hey, I only do yes or no questions here bud

Question: Yeah, I know. Is this a reverse-psychology trick?.. What is your opinion on Seinfeld?
Bunny's Response: Yes, I would like half a pound of cheese. Thank you.

Question: You're starting to scare me now, Advice bunny. Can you do a trick for me?
Bunny's Response: ... ..huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Wasn't paying attention.

Question: Wake up and do a trick!
Bunny's Response:

Question: Do go all silent with me, Advice Bunny. I'm not leaving until I see a trick! TRICK!
Bunny's Response: Wouldn't you like to know.

Question: Know what?
Bunny's Response: Your guess is as good as mine.

Question: You're one idiot, you know that?
Bunny's Response: Oh that's a tough one. I'm going to go with.. No.

Question: Indeed
Bunny's Response: Come on now. What do you think?



Your question was:
Want to be devoured?

The Advice Bunny's response is:
That's classified information. I'm going to have to see some ID first.

Your question was:
Do you get confused easy?

The Advice Bunny's response is:
No, absolutely not. Well, on second thought, maybe. Actually I have no idea. I'm just making this up as I go along