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Psychopath test

Started by Thing, October 14, 2003, 12:35 PM

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Rather than start a new thread, I'll just tack this on the bottom of this one, you weirdos.

Subject: Psychological Test  

This is an authentic psychological test.  It is a story about a girl. While at the funeral of her mother, she met a man whom she did not know. She thought he was amazing, her dream guy, and she fell in love with him but never asked for his number and could not find him after the funeral. A few days later the girl killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? Give this some thought before you select the text below.

She was hoping that the guy would appear at the sister's funeral. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test a famous American psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took this test and answered it correctly. If you didn't answer correctly -- good for you.  If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off my e-mail list...... Unless that will tick you off, then---------I'll just be extra nice to you from now on.
End of answer.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.

Soul Taker

Okay so many serial killers answered it correctly, but did they compare those results to many non-serial killers answers?  This is just like that commercial that says 1/3 drivers involved in an accident test positive for pot, but they could also all be incredibly drunk, it needs more statistics to actually prove anything.



QuoteI totally disagree with that analysis.  That's like seeing a full moon from a local park, and meeting that guy there, same situation, and going to the same spot 28 days later hoping he'll be there to see the next full moon.  

And yes, I got the answer, but I assumed the guy had worked at the funerarium rather than just attended random funerals.

Also, I think this deserves its on thread :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I stickied the rules... You don't have to make new "links" or funny things their own posts, but I really prefer if you do, and I might go ahead and split them off like this one if I think there's a risk that people will miss them because they're at the bottom of a long topic.

btw, I didn't figure this one, but I would have figured iago's case which seems much more probable to me.


So.. Is it a bad thing if I answered it correctly?