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I am...

Started by pyropk, October 24, 2003, 01:57 AM

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  I am !PyRo`PK!.  A.k.a... PyRo, Phrozen`PaiN, SPiTFiRe, And the list goes on... I'v been on battle.net since about '96.  I started out in basic HTML websites.   Moved on to studying Visual Basic 4.0 32-Bit, then moved to 6.0...Started to study C/C++, and a tad of Delphi.  Taught myself a wee bit of Assembly, and wrote few Diablo hacks.  On battle.net, I was PyRo...I hung mainly around the FYA (Fuck You All) & KmA (Kiss My Ass) Channels.  Was familiar around the era of PKx days.  I was involved in such Websites/Organizations as Black Tech, United Chaos Organization, Br0ken Neck Pr0ducti0ns, Digital Programming Core, & Defc0n 8.

Hopefuly looking to get to know you all a bit better...