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Wither Be WMD?

Started by Grok, September 07, 2003, 07:43 PM

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Soul Taker

Quote from: Grok on September 08, 2003, 11:03 AM
Wherever you live, you shouldn't be assessing whether or not some event will help you based on whether George Dubya says it will help you.  Decide for yourself whether it will help you and don't be excited at being included in his opinion list, or disappointed at not being on the same list.

George Dubya has just asked for an 'additional' $87 billion to fight this war.  Wasn't it only a few months ago that he asked for $80 billion for an approximate 5 years occupation?

How did we spend the whole $80 billion in 10% of the planned timeframe?  Or was the original number just a lie.

Now they're saying "can't turn back now" ... "must finish the job" .. etc.   I even heard congressmen saying "even if we were wrong about why we went in there ... even if no weapons of mass destruction were found ... we have a committment to complete the job we are there for..."   HUH?  Isn't the job we're there for to eliminate WMD?

My government lies.
I thought one of the main reasons they were pushing for the war was also to liberate an oppressed nation, and set up a democratic government there.


Even though the author is obviously biased, this is still a good read:


Well, I've got the greatest idea in the world - to try to reproduce Reagan's record-setting budget deficeit numbers lets give iraq 87 billion dollars or more. I mean really, what would American citizens and the working class need with that money when we could help poor Asaan Al-Abed Ali Shareq Fa Mussef?


This is what I've been saying all along, Grok, but you shot me down every time. Bah.


Quote from: Arta[vL] on September 10, 2003, 09:27 AM
This is what I've been saying all along, Grok, but you shot me down every time. Bah.

You said we should carpet bomb the Middle East and anyone who complains.

I only want peace for everyone.